Creates a Kyrie Eleison effect on the target character. This effect will block MaxHPofTarget*(10+2*SkillLV)% damage OR (5+SkillLV/2) hits, whichever is reached first.
Damage in excess of the amount blocked will transfer through and count as a hit of lowered damage. Hits are only assessed when a blow would normally land and not for every swing by a monster (despite showing an "Auto Guard" graphic with every swing for the effected player and a miss for every other player).
Any Magic attack will do full damage to the affected target, while still counting against the maximum damage and number of hits of Kyrie Eleison. Casting Holy Light or Assumptio on someone with this effect will cancel it entirely. When a second instance is cast on a target, then it will replace the first instance.
si tienes gr y devi te pegara menos del 30% de tu max hp por lo tanto absorbera el daño.