August 28th Jack Kirby's birthday maintenance


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Evento exp x2 hasta el martes


Ok, so I looked that up on wikipedia.

Some early notes for what's going in for maintenance today.

Einbroch spotlight goes in, monsters and quests will get a buff in the town and it's environs for the duration of the event.

New quest! Back to school event. Page will be up soon. Tomorrow. Begin the quest by speaking with Camille in Lighthalzen (239 90)
Reward: hugel medals! Looking to add an medal for equipment reward next week for this quest.

Closing event for the last week of the Summer Sports Festa! Speak to Momotan in Geffen Field 7 (324, 282) to get some medals and make plants!

New MVPs being added to the summoner *edited
Coming soon:
-Lady Tanee
-Gloom Undernight
-Orc Lord
-Stormy Knight

-90-110 Skeleton Prisoner and Rybio
-115-130 Blue and Red Dimik
-135-150 Kasa and Salamander

-The "get one safe to 10 cert for every 15 lucky boxes you have gotten" promotion ends today as well.

-Eat gear and Enriched hammer will be leaving tonight.
« Última modificación: 01 de Septiembre de 2012, 12:26 por IceWolf »