Working on getting more added here
EventDouble EXP and +50% drops for the month
Anniversary Quest event begins with the return of the Revenge of the Towels Mini-Quest! If you have wanted to wear stylish bathing suits, this is your opportunity to pick up a permanent Cool Towel accessory! Speak with Lauds in Prontera (182, 214)
New June lucky Box 300kp
Will give one of the following at random:
Filir Pinions
HE Bubble Gum
Explosive Chewing Gum(animated)
Mega Resist Potion
Demon Mask
Long Tongue
Captain's Hat
Battle Manual X3
Skull Cap[1]
Mischevious Fairy
UpdateBattlegrounds shout NPC will be implemented this week
Campitor has a thread for feedback on where people want the NPCs to be, how long the cooldown will be, etc.
Adrenaline Rush Scroll box arriving this week. The scrolls will not be usable on WoE and PVP maps
BugNPC Fix-Talk like a Pirate Day NPC was superimposed over another character