Mantenimiento 05/08/2015


  • Administrador
    • Mensajes: 1809
    • Ver Perfil
    • Rune-Nifelheim
We will be testing WOE: TE on thor starting this week.
WoE: TE on Thor will be running Fridays from 6am-7am PDT (UTC-7) server time, which is 9-10pm Manila time. With the pRO website down I don't have the exact times that WoE was running at but the times for TE, WoE 1 and 2 on Thor can be changed around so please let us know what times work best for players in your region!
More to come!

Campitor Patch Notes

Turn Ins
low: Uzhas/Bathory
mid: Snowier/Ice Titan
High: Knocker/Gold Acidus
Thor Gets WoE TE at Friday 6AM PDT. According to time conversions that will be 9PM Manila time.
VIP Bonus Event Ends
14.3 Testing Heats Up we will be adding a long list of requested gears and NPC to sakray. Update will be live on Chaos/Thor on 8/12
August Lucky Box Comes In
Perma Anniversary Gears have a reduced effect return.