Somewhat small Maintenance.
VIP powered UP! 100% Bonus Drops and EXP, and .5% exp loss.
Updating Niflheim Spotlight.
- Warper to Niflheim in Eden Group
- If you've completed the Sign, have the Sign (equipment) and completed all the Niflheim spot light quests, Engel the Blacksmith in the Mjolnir Coal mines will allow you to put a select card in your "The Sign" Card options, which you need to bring with the Sign are:
Creamy Card
Horong Card
Joker Card
Kobold Card
Kukre Card
Mantis Card
Muka Card
Obeaune Card
Phen Card
Poison Spore Card
Poporing Card
Smokie Card
Spore Card
Tarou Card
Vitata Card
Wormtail Card
Yoyo Card
Zerom Card
He will continue to offer this service even after the spotlight ends, provided you completed all the Spotlight quests.
Hawt Groove Pack in for 150 pts until July 31st
Always get 1 Ea Male and Female GM Support Mercenary! (cute support Merc)
2x Golem Transformation scrolls
Stunner Shades 3 Def mid gear
Naval Officer Hat Looks good and extra damage to water creatures
Burning CD "Lower headgear, copies a skill randomly"
25x Baklava HIGH HP and SP restore item
Thursday 7/19 at 5pm we will have to restart the servers to try and put in the Summoner with 3 options : Discuss your 3 option desire in the thread.
The VIP bonus on the Renewal servers extends until 7/24, so enjoy it!
90-110 Desert Wolf / Roween Rachel field 12
115-130 Removal / Khalitzburg Glastheim Churchyard
135-150 Ancient Tree / Phylia El Dicastes fild 1
115~130 TI won't allow you to Turn it in, but you can get the quest.
We will fix this on Wednesday by doing a Eden Group restart. You can complete the quest safely now though, and you'll be able to turn it in soon. Our apologies.