Rune Nifelheim
Ragnarok Online => Servidores => Actualizaciones y eventos => Mensaje iniciado por: IceWolf en 11 de Marzo de 2015, 08:41
We're going to be running through the instances and doing testing on a number of things so we are estimating to be back online at around 3pm. Please make sure to close your entire RO client during the maintenance.
Return of a past Saint Patrick's Day Quest
February Lucky Box Leaves
March Groove Pack Arrives
Enriched Hammer event departs
Blacksmith and Brewing rankings reset. Next reset will be in September.
Hero's Trail II Implementation
Devil's Tower
Geffen Magic Tournament
Ghost Palace
48 New cards being added to monsters around Rune Midgard!
Bug fixes:
Eden Courtesy Ticket from the NPC Gelkah's quest can now be turned in if you are over level 110.
Octopus monsters were disabled during the DST maintenance this Sunday. Are you still seeing them?