Easter Event ends
Hugel Spotlight is complete
Rachel Spotlight event begins!
Adding HD Carnium/Bradium 5 boxes to the Kafra shop. They are trade/vendable for 75 points. *Permanent
Reviewing the Bomb 50 box sales and impact
Adding 4 leaf Clover to Boxter for 500 Brownie point
Removing the Party Hard Pack from Boxter, open them up and put the items in that way it is worth same/more.
Gramps new Turnins
Gramps will give zeny for completing the quests for that week to VIP members ONLY, (sorry no fake VIP for this option) the prices below are per quest turned in, and only rewards for the quests for that week only.
70-95 -50,000z
90-110 - 65,000z
105-120 - 80,000z
115-130 - 90,000z
125-140 - 100,000z
135-150 - 110,000z
Looking at doing a vote for Eden Group Vending or not.
Fixing a typo on Boxter stating wrong price for Mental Potion it is supposed to be and is 30pt per
Aqua Elemental Drop Crystal Teardrop will be made NPC sellable to avoid getting "stuck"
part of Report item can be NPCed if you want.
Mighty Hammer may have to do some free work for customers this coming week due to having to lower his tax liability for next year. So no Zeny upgrading this week with Mighty Hammer! No charge in zeny for upgrades with certs or HD ores (including over+10) his alter ego is IRiS Hammer for this week. Enriched hammer will not be making an appearance as he is running from the law right now for being late on his Taxes.
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*El evento de pascua termina
*Termina Hugel spotlight
*Comienza Rachel spotlight
*Se agregaron HD carnium/Bradium box (5) a la venta en kafra shop, estas son tradeables y vendibles por 75 pts cada caja
*Se reviso la venta de la caja de bombas (50) y el impacto (?).
*Se agrego el four leaf clover a boxter por 500 brownie pts
*El abuelo te dará zeny por cada quest que termines (solo VIP)
-70-95 -50,000z
-90-110 - 65,000z
-105-120 - 80,000z
-115-130 - 90,000z
-125-140 - 100,000z
-135-150 - 110,000z
*Se abre votación para permitir o no la venta en eden grup
*Se reparo la venta de pociones mentales de boxter, sera de 30 pts
*El drop de Aqua elemental (Crystal Tear Drop) podra ser vendido en los npc para eveitar que se quede estancado.Las partes de los reportes tambien pueden ser vendidos.
*Mighty Haammer podria hacer trabajos gratis para los customers la semana entrante. Así que no gastaran zeny esta semana no Mighty Hammer!, Sin cargos por el upgrade con certificados (incluidos los de +10), su suplente sera IRIS Hammer por esta semana.
Enriched Hammer no hará ninguna aparición porque está huyendo de la ley por retrasarse en pagar impuestos (LOL XD)