Las novedades del mantenimiento de esta semana estan bien, han puesto el update de Malangdo Island junto con
un evento de drop x2 (siguiente semana exp x2) y unos turnins muy chulos, sobretodo para conseguir AK cards y Rogue treasure a cascoporro.
-Malangdo island
-Enriched Hammer and Eat Gear arrive
Double Drops this week, Double EXP next week
-The Halloween quest departs to the land of wind and ghosts though the Glast Heim Spotlight will remain.
-The Tricky Halloween Treat box leaves
To help us out today while we crunch on getting Malagdo ready for tonight, we will do a player request TI, so give your tier monster requests.
Turn Ins:
70-100 High Orc/ Evil Druid
101-125 Abysmal Knight/ Loli Ruri
126-150 Rake Horn Scaraba/ Wickebine Tres
Mini-mantenimiento 14-15
We will have the double exp event launching with this maintenance, joining the double drops event already in place. We are not planning on doing a maint next week so we will be doing a maintenance tomorrow afternoon to add in my aw-fowly written Thanksgiving event!
Campitor Edit Done
Nov 16th 4pm maint
Thanksgiving little quest added. You can begin the quest by speaking with Brigadier Betty inside the pub in Juno. The quest gives exp and will be on both Renewal and classic.
Adjusting seal quest: Each person doing it counts as 4.