Mantenimiento Renewal 30/10/2012


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    • Rune-Nifelheim
No hay mucho que decir en este update, turnins de matar undeads y demons y la desactivacion del Feint Bomb para
que no seas un gm wannabe

'Bloody' Boxter

Mystical Amplification scrolls, Autumn Leaves and costume corsair are added to list

'Gross out' Gramps
70-100 -Antique Firelock & Zombie Prisoner
101-125 -Ancient Mummy & Zombie Slaughter
126-150 -Pom Spider and Incarnation of Morroc

'boogah booga' Bug fixes
-18810 - Hell_Pumpkin_Hat "Shadowmancer's Helm" set to NPC sell
-Shadow chaser Feint Bomb ability will be temporarily disabled from all maps until a fix is received for hide exploit, some testing going on for this, if we can get fixes on our side up it will change whether this needs to be disabled totally or not.
-Players will be able to properly re-enter the Halloween instance if they are prematurely kicked out.
« Última modificación: 31 de Octubre de 2012, 07:39 por IceWolf »