Rune Nifelheim
Otros videojuegos => Juegos MMORPG => Lineage 2 => Mensaje iniciado por: NuevoPD en 31 de Mayo de 2012, 02:01
L2Arcadia Features >> server >> server forum
* XP: x20
* SP: x20
* Drop: x20
* Spoil: x25
* Adena: x25 (Adena rate is much higher when you are lower level.)
* Quest Drop: x5
* Quest Reward: x5
* Quest Exp/Sp Reward: x10
* Quest Adena Reward: x20
* Raid Boss drop: x3
* Grand Boss drop: x3
* Grand Boss drop Jewels: x1
* Manor: x2
* Rate Extract Fish: x8
* Vitality: 1.25/1.5/1.75/2
* Vitality Gain/Lost: 2/1
* Vitality Recovery In Town: 1.5
* Rate Common Herbs: 2
* RateHpHerbs: 2
* RateMpHerbs: 2
* RateSpecialHerbs: 2
* RateVitalityHerbs: 2
* Pet Xp Rate: 1
<=> Full NPC Buffer:
* Max buffs: Normal - 24+4; Dance - 12; Trigger - 12;
* All buffs: PP,SE,EE,WH,WC,OL,BD,SWS,Cats! (No Kamael)
* Includes a scheme buffer where you can manage your own buff sets.
* Buff/dance/song cost 100 Adena, Special/Cubic Buff cost 1000 Adena.
* Safe Item Enchant: +4
* Max Item Enchant: +16
* Normal Scroll Enchant Rate: 66%
* Blessed Scroll Enchant Rate: 66%
* Element Stone Rate: 50%
* Element Crystal Rate: 30%
* Auto Drop Loop: On
* Drop protection based on damage
* Player's Spawn Protect: 60 seconds
* Max Run Speed: 250
* Max PCrit Rate: 500
* Max MCrit Rate: 200
* Max PAtk Speed: 1500
* Max MAtk Speed: 1999
* Max Evasion: 200
* Max Subclass: 3
* Max Subclass Level: 80
* Subclass without quest
* Weight Limit: 6
* Subclass certification working properly
* Olympiad Min Players: 7 Classed/Non-Classed
* Olympiad Min Players: 3 Party * Spoil Blue Mobs - No
* Delevel decrease skills level also !
GM Shop:
* Up to S Weapons, Armors, Jewels
* Shots, Potions, Consumables
* Quest items for Clan level 3, 4, 5, ingredients for noblesse.
* Pets, Event reward items & more...
* Retail.
* H5 Items and skills and quests.
* Frintezza, Freya, Zaken in instance.
* Olympiad Quests Working.
* Dragon Valley and Lair of Antharas updated to H5.
* Nevit's Blessing, Hunting Bonus working.
* Hellbound works up to 11 lvl
* Seven Sings quests
* Seven Sings instances
* Nornils Garden instance
* Mithril Mine instance
* Steel Citadel
* Kamalokas
* Sel Mahum Training Ground- Retail Like
* Chamber Of Delusion
* Naia Tower + Beleth
* Seed of Destruction + Raid Boss Tiat - Retail Like
* Seed of Infinity + The Two Brothers instance - Retail Like
* Seed of Anihilation + Raid Bosses Torumba/Taklacan/Dopagen - Retail Like
* Seed of Anihilation farming zone
* Crystal Cavern
* Fortress sieges
* Castle sieges
* Olympiad Games
* All Grand Bosses
* All Normal Bosses
* Talismans
* Knoriks working
* .changepassword (In game account password change)
* NPC BUFFER > Manual or Scheme support.
- 60 minutes song/dance/buff
* .xpon / .xpoff command
* Scroll enchant rate -> 66%
* Max enchant -> +16
* safe enchant +3
Processor: Intel i7 4x 2(HT)x 2.66+ GHz System: Linux - Debian 6 64x
Memory: 8GB Ram
Hard Disk: 2x1TB
Transfer: Unlimited
Connection: 100mb
Intel� Core� i7-920 Quadcore
incl. Hyper-Threading Technology
Hard disks 2 x 750 GB SATA 3 Gb/s HDD
(Software-RAID 1)
NIC 1 Gbit OnBoard
connected at 400 Mbit
Backup Space 100 GB
Traffic Unlimited*
Server is online since 01 may 2012 6 pm GMT+02