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Tetra Vortex
Summons ether in the 4 elements, to deal magic damage of each element. Tetra Vortex requires you to have summoned one Fire Ball, Water Ball, Lightening Ball and Stone before casting or the skill will fail.
Casting Time:
Lv.1: 6000ms (1000 Fixed + 5000 Variable)
Lv.2: 7000ms (1000 Fixed + 6000 Variable)
Lv.3: 8000ms (1000 Fixed + 7000 Variable)
Lv.4: 9000ms (1000 Fixed + 8000 Variable)
Lv.5: 10000ms (1000 Fixed + 9000 Variable)
Re-use Delay: 15000ms
After-cast Delay: 3000ms
Range: 9 Cells
Element: Varies
Skill Mod: (500+500xSkillLv)% x 4 blows = 1000% ~ 3000% x 4 blows
Tetra Vortex will use the element of the 4 elemental spheres you have summoned before casting. For example, if you have 2 Fire Spheres, and 2 Water Spheres Summoned, Tetra Vortex will deal 2 Fire Hits and 2 Water hits.
Spheres hit in the opposite order that you summoned them. For example, if you summon 1 Earth Sphere, 1 Water Sphere, 1 Wind Sphere, and 1 Fire Sphere, Tetra Vortex will deal damage in the opposite order Fire - Water - Wind - Earth. If there is a 5th Sphere summoned, that sphere is not taken into account.
All hits are affected by Mystical Amplification
Only the first hit is affected by Lex Aeterna
Earth is the only elemental hit that bypasses Hide.
Y como el ninja Sasuke Sousuke dijo, es un desperdicio subir las stones a mas de 1