Bai Hu - The White Tiger
Finally the last guide is up, but because he isn’t officially released in sGE, the information I have will be limited but just nice for one to know what to expect for.
i) Mini Intro
Total stat points: 30
腕力 (Str): 7
敏捷 (Agi): 7
�"力 (Con): 5
知能 (Dex): 5
技�" (Int): 3
権威 (Cha): 3
Location - City of Auch G10
Starting Level - 1
Personal skill - Spirit of Hwaorang
Stances - Chapter of Mind, Chapter of Wind, Chapter of Earth
ii) Quest Info
Bai Hu’s quest is very straightforward but that’s because he’s a indirect cash shop rNPC.
His quest will be activated the moment you talked to him, a small scene will happen where you will have to fight him. You will lose but that’s part of the quest.

You aren’t supposed to win so don’t worry if you lose :)
After that some conversation will happen and you have will to find and talk to all the martial art rNPCs in this order:

Jean/Feng Ling/Irawan/Gracielo
I think by now everyone should know where each of them are situated. After that return to Bai Hu when you’re done and you will see a scene where he defeats each and all four of them. And finally here it comes - he will ask you to give him 50 mystery powders and after which he will give you his card. So that will put Bai Hu in the same price as Feng Ling will cost.
You can choose to obtain the above items via the Premium Shop NPC for a total of 11000 G-points OR you can get them from other players.
Currently on the average for Pachelbel, mystery powders are around 2.5m each.
iii) Stance/Skills
I will only touch on Chapter of Mind here.
Stance : Chapter of Mind
Stance Bonus at Level 25: Attack Speed +20%, Critical +15%,
Evasion +15%
Level 1 - Bluedragon Hill-kick
Level 10 - Breath of Hyunmoo
Level 15 - Half-moon Kick
Level 20 - Atomic Whitetiger-strikes

Lvl 10: sp 100, recharge 0s
ATK 860%
1 adjacent target

Lvl 10: sp 200, recharge 10s
ATK 984%
3 targets in a 2m radius within 8m
33% chance to Stun

Lvl 10: sp 250, recharge 15s
ATK 1138%
4 adjacent targets
Ignores 30 DEF on targets

Lvl 10: sp 300, recharge 20s
ATK 3635%
1 adjacent target
Ignores 50 DEF on target

(Personal Skill)
(Personal Skill)
Lvl 10: sp 100, recharge 60s
consumes Analeptic Remedy x3
duration 180s
ATK increases by 10%, skills recharge time decreases, (AR +1 at lvl11)
incompleta por ahora pero pendiente a modificaciones..a mi personalmente me importa este iahgames foro..
no me dio tiempo de traducir pero no esta dificil...