16/09/2009 - Mantenimiento

Hiro · 51 · 21304


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  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Awwwww, me voy a almorzar y Aslak me gana las traducciones de doddler

Comentando: A fondo:

Sword training: Sirve para los battle genetic (como el mio va a empezar)

Cart Remodeling: Bueno.. un carrito con 10500 de carga... los mechanic de Cart Termination nos van a odiar...

Cart Tornado: Depende de ver cuanto daño aumenta Cart remodeling

Cart Cannon: Espero y que me equivoque y sea de rango... y que sea moderadamente spameable XD

Cart Boost: LOL, al menos no es un reciclaje del cart boost de WS

Thorn trap: Otro que inmoviliza...

Blood sucker: Depende de cuanto HP drene.. pero no le tengo mucho interés a esta skill

Spore Explosion: A ver si hace buen daño.. digo.. es un área grande

Wall of thorns: No le veo uso... pero necesito verla en acción

Crazy Weed: Ok.. mucho daño.. y quita trampas... espero y no tenga un área como trample de RG que simplemente no sirve  >_<

Demonic fire: Hay que ver cada cuanto es el daño realizado y el tamaño del area que afecta... y no debería pedir como requisito demonstration dado que es una versión mejorada de esta?

Fire expansion: ...
[Level 5]: 1 Acid Bottle : Demonic Fire becomes Acid Bomb / Uses the highest level learned of Acid Bomb



Y bueno.. los otros efectos.. están medio.. raros...

Hell's plant: Es una lastima que en el renewal el stun no sirva....

Howling of mandragora: -30 int -50% de sp... suras.. tengan miedo.. podemos debilitar su asura strike en mas de la mitad!!!

Sling itme y Change material: Algo en esa descripción no me gusta....

Mix cooking: que comidas vamos a hacer???

Create bomb: ... fruta explosiva.. nomas no lo concibo...

Special Pharmacy: .. ok.. los mechaninc no tienen skills de forja.. nosotros si tenemos skills de creaciones... si.. nos van a odiar los mechaninc...

Por suerte tengo un creator 99/70 desde hace tiempo en el renewal :)

LuNa PrInCeSs

  • Sea Otter
    • Mensajes: 49
  • Lunar Beauty
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Simplemente cool,
estas skills de genetic
me han sorprendido
ya los respetare más xD,
pero por ahora lo que me
interesa ver son las
animaciones visuales que
tendran todas sus skills…


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  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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He aquí la lista de items requeridos y las nuevas cosas que los genetic utilizan (cortesía de Doddler)

5244#Dark Powder
A dangerous ingredient that glows with a dark light. It's an explosive ingredient so handle with care.
Weight: 0.1

6245#Black Powder
A beautiful pitch black powder for various uses. Be careful not to get it in your eyes.
Weight: 0.1

6246#Yellow Powder
A flavorless and odorless yellow powder. It burns with an amazing blue flame.
Weight: 0.1

6247#White Powder
A salt-like white powder with no odor.
Weight: 0.1

6248#Stew Pot
A large pot for mixing various foods.
Weight: 1

6249#Savage Meat
The finest cut of Savage meat.
Weight: 1

6250#Iron Cooking Skewer
A long skewer for cooking full roast.
Weight: 1

6251#Bituminous Coal
Black coal used as fuel. Adds flavor to food that you cook with it.

6252#Wolf's Blood
Blood from a desert wolf for medicinal purposes.

6253#Cold Ice
An incredibly cold block of ice.

6254#Seasoned Tough Meat
A tough piece of meat that is usually boiled or pressed to make more tender.

6255#Large Plan
A light but large pan for mixing various ingredients.

6256#Powdered Ice
Ice that has been crushed into a fine powder.

6257#Ice Crystal
A transparent ice crystal.

6258#Comodo Tropical Fruit
A famous tropical fruit commonly seen in Comodo. It looks like it would be sweet.

6259#Drosera Feeler
A stiff tentacle taken from a Drosera from the Arunafeltz region.

6260#Petite Tail
A tail section of a petite.

6261#Fine Noodles
Thin white noodles. Popular in the summer.

6262#Cold Broth
A basic ingredient for cooking stew and some soups.

A tropical fruit with white juice.

A light green round fruit that has a sweet fragrance.

A fresh fruit that has a sort of sour and sweet flavor. Be careful cause the outside of the pineapple has sharp thorns.

11022#Mix Cooking Ingredient Book 1#
From the monthly alchemist publication. Contains the latest 'Mix Cooking' recipes.

11023#Vitality Boost Research Book
Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Excess HP Vol 12). A complete guide on boosting vitality.

11024#Energy Drink Formula
Originally published in a popular monthly alchemist series (Dream SP Vol 10). Includes detailed research on boosting SP.

11518#Cure Free
A potion that recovers a large amount of HP. Cursed Silence, Bleeding, and Curse status effects.
Weight: 1

A potion that slightly boosts attack speed.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight: 1

12418#Full Swing K
A potion that slightly boosts attack power.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight: 1

A potion that slightly boosts magic attack power.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight: 1

12420#Muramura M
A potion that slightly boosts max HP.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight: 1

12421#Falmons F
A potion that slightly boosts max SP.
Duration 500 seconds.
Weight: 1

12422#HP Increase Potion (Small)
A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 2% HP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12423#HP Increase Potion (Medium)
A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 3% HP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12424#HP Increase Potion (Large)
A potion that slightly increases Max HP, recovers 5% HP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12425#SP Increase Potion (Small)
A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 2% SP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12426#SP Increase Potion (Medium)
A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 4% SP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12427#SP Increase Potion (Large)
A potion that slightly increases Max SP, recovers 8% SP.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12428#Concentrated White Potion Z
Increases a great amount of HP, and boosts natural HP recovery by 20%.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12429#Savage Full Roast
A full roasted savage with wild ingredients.
Increases STR by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12430#Cocktail Warg Blood
A deep red cocktail. It's rumored that wolfs blood is an ingredient.
Increases INT by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12431#Minor Stew
A brilliant stew with tender cuts of meat.
Increases VIT by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12432#Siroma Iced Tea
A fantastic drink with crystal ice.
Increases DEX by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12433#Drosera Herb Salad
A strong textured dish that is a delicacy in the Arunafeltz.
Increases AGI by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12434#Petite Tail Noodles
A fully garnished Korean type noodles thats considered a masterpiece from geffen.
Increases LUK by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12435#Black Mass
A pitch black lump with a foul odor. It looks like it was some kind of cooking gone horribly wrong.
Decreases all stats by 5 ~ 10 points.
Duration 30 minutes
Weight: 5

Recovers a large amount of SP, and boosts natural SP recovery by 20%.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

12437#Concentrated Ceromain Soup
Increases a large amount of HP, and slightly increases attack speed.
Duration 500s.
Weight: 1

13260#Apple Bomb
A small apple loaded with explosive powder. It doesn't patck much punch but you can get good range.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13261#Coconut Bomb
An explosive crafted with the hard shell of a coconut.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13252#Melon Bomb
A bomb created with a melon's sweet sticky juice.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13253#Pineapple Bomb
A bomb created with a pineapples hard skin that will fragment when it explodes.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13254#Banana Bomb
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13255#Black Lump
A hard black lump. It would hurt a bit if you threw it at someone.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13256#Hard Black Lump
A more concentrated black lump. It would hurt considerably.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13257#Extremely Hard Black Lump
An extremely hard black lump. It would be really bad to be hit by this.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13268#Mysterious powder
A strange powder. You're not sure what will happen.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 0.1
Element: Neutral

13269#Throwing Boost500
A refined Boost500 for throwing. Increases attack speed.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13270#Throwing Full Swing K
A refined Full Swing K for throwing. Increases attack power.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13271#Throwing Manaplus
A refined Manaplus for throwing. Increases magic attack power.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13272#Throwing Cure Free
A remodeled cure free for throwing. Recovers a large amount.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13273#Throwing Muramura M
A remodeled Muramura M for throwing. Increases max HP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13274#Throwing Falmons F
A remodeled Falmons F for throwing. Increases max SP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13275#Throwing Increase HP Potion (Small)
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 2% HP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13276#Throwing Increase HP Potion (Medium)
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 3% HP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13277#Throwing Increase HP Potion (Large)
A remodeled HP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max HP, recovers 5% HP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13278#Throwing Increase SP Potion (Small)
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 2% SP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13278#Throwing Increase SP Potion (Medium)
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 4% SP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13278#Throwing Increase SP Potion (Large)
A remodeled SP increase potion for throwing. Increases Max SP, recovers 8% SP.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13281#Throwing Concentrated White Potion Z
A remodeled Concentrated White Potion Z for throwing. Recovers a large amount of HP and boosts natural HP regen.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13282#Throwing Vitata500
A remodeled Vitata500 for throwing. Recovers a large amount of SP and boosts natural SP regen.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13283#Throwing Ceromain Soup
A remodeled Ceromain Soup for throwing. Recovers a large amount of HP and boosts attack speed.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13284#Throwing Savage Full Roast
A remodeled Savage Full Roast for throwing. Increases STR.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13285#Throwing Cocktail Warg Blood
A Cocktail Warg Blood refined for throwing. Increases INT.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13286#Throwing Minor Stew
A remodeled Minor Stew for throwing. Increases VIT.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13287#Throwing Siroma Iced Tea
A remodeled Siroma Iced Tea for throwing. Increases DEX.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13288#Throwing Drosera Herb Salad
A remodeled Drosera Herb Salad for throwing. Increases AGI.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13289#Throwing Petite Tail Soup
A remodeled Petite Tail Soup for Throwing. Increases LUK.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

13290#Throwing Black Mass
A remodeled Black Mass for throwing. Lowers all stats.
Type: Throwing
Attack: 0
Weight: 1
Element: Neutral

6279#Apple Bomb Guidebook
A guide on how to make apple bombs.
Ingredients: Apple + Scell + Dark Powder + Detonator
Weight: 1

6280#Pineapple Bomb Guidebook
A guide on how to make pineapple bombs.
Ingredients: Pineapple + Cactus Needle + 3x Dark Powder + Detonator
Weight: 1

6281#Coconut Bomb Guidebook
A guide on how to make Coconut bombs.
Ingredients: Coconut + 2x Dark Powder + Detonator
Weight: 1

6282#Melon Bomb Guidebook
A guide on how to make Melon bombs.
Ingredients: Melon + Sticky Mucus + 2x Dark Powder + Detonator
Weight: 1

6283#Banana Bomb Guidebook
A guide on how to make banana bombs.
Ingredients: Banana + Mold Powder + 4x Dark Powder + Detonator
Weight: 1

6284#Plant Genetic Cultivation Guide
A guide book required for the cultivation of Thorny Seeds, Blood Sucker Seeds, and Explosive Mushroom Spores.
Thorny Seed: 10x Thorny Fruit
Blood Sucker: 10x Man-eater Root
Explosive Mushroom Spore: 10x Mushroom Spore, 5x Poison Mushroom Spore, 2x Black Powder

6285#Improved Potion Creation Manual
A guide on how to create Concentrated White Potion Z, Vitata500, and Concentrated Ceromain Soup.
Concentrated White Potion: 10x Test Tubes, 5x White Potions
Vitata500: 10x Test Tubes, 10x White Potions
Concentrated Ceromain Soup: 10x Test Tubes, 15x White Potions


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    • 6hitcombo
Que hay de malo en las frutas explosivas? Nadie jugo Worms? xD


  • Munak
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Caleta de comidas y potas la cago en mala!!!!!!!!!!!

falta falta  :avergonzado:


  • Osiris
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Por PoriPori y todos los dioses *O*!!!!!! O_____O!!!

No me esperaba esto, para nada...

Una alza muy importante en la parte ofensiva y táctica.. y con los nuevos items, en soporte O.O

No hay mucho que decir, creo que es algo sorpresivo, para bien, hay que ver bien como va todo eso convinado
y la dificultad de realizar las distintas cosas nuevas..

Pero creo que se las trae..

Lo que más me intriga es ver las animaciones de esas skills, principalmente Demoniac Fire y su area, y el de otras.. porque no..

Veo 3 ramas, no se como serán.
-De creación y lanzamiento.
-De plantas y tácticas.
-De carro.

Quiero ver el árbol de skill *O*!!

Ahora a esperar el sprite y las animaciones :D!!

Saludos!! Att. Carlos..
Me despido contento luego de ver esto!!


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Special Pharmacy: .. ok.. los mechaninc no tienen skills de forja.. nosotros si tenemos skills de creaciones... si.. nos van a odiar los mechaninc...

Seconded, y no solo eso, tienen gran cantidad de cosas utiles, no solo un nuevo juguetito inservible....
Comidas comidas... que comidas? pues las que ya conocemos, con un % mayor al que las haria cualquier otro job,  puede que algo aprecido a la forja del bs... con la posibilidad de hacerlas mas rapido como ya dice la descrpicion de la skill

Que el ser omnipotente de su preferencia se ampare de los mecanicos xD

Worms lol
« Última modificación: 16 de Septiembre de 2009, 23:18 por Berto »


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    • Oink!
alfin un char que realmente es su job, generic SI es un generico, te creo potas, te invoco plantas del mal, soy de Alkaeda, tanto fire y molotob por tanto lado, y te tiro mi carro lleno de dinamita por la cabeza.

mi analisis de las skill:

Sword training:  mejora de axe mastery(que ahora da deño de axa y spada tambien)
Cart Remodeling: al finn podre llevar mas potas y mas bombas

Cart Tornado: aver que ver que tal el daño.

Cart Cannon: lo afecta la INT /gg, igual tendre que ver el daño, pero no dice si es de rango o no T_T.

Cart Boost: ... plarisgan?, cart boost + emergecy evade + speed potion, generic recaler? llegara al empe en 1s en woe 1.0.

Thorn trap: loker, y resives un poko de daño. abra que ver.

Blood sucker:  no sale que % es el hp que drena, igual que las otras aver que probarlas.

Spore Explosion:  area grande, y pega por daño magico.. interesante.

Wall of thorns: plarisgan de firewall?.

Crazy Weed: o.o mucho daño, y puedes poner 5 o.o, pero igual abra que ver.

Demonic fire: demostration^3? mete burnig, no es muy util por si sola.

Fire expansion: en lvl 5 puedo tirar AD de area......... , creo que estoy teniendo combulciones, 

Hell's plant:  mas plantitas, mete bleeding mediano rate eso nomas me atrae, stun lalalala.

Howling of mandragora: otra skill del mal que kiero ver, -30 de int y -50% de Sp e incrementa el cast, me parese gran skill, pero abra que probarla.

Sling itme : tirara comidas de dex+3?

Change material: ahora si trasmuta, habra que ver exactamante que hace

Mix cooking:
12431#Minor Stew
A brilliant stew with tender cuts of meat.
Increases VIT by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12432#Siroma Iced Tea
A fantastic drink with crystal ice.
Increases DEX by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12433#Drosera Herb Salad
A strong textured dish that is a delicacy in the Arunafeltz.
Increases AGI by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12434#Petite Tail Noodles
A fully garnished Korean type noodles thats considered a masterpiece from geffen.
Increases LUK by 20 ~ 30 points.
Duration 30 minutes.
Weight: 5

12435#Black Mass
A pitch black lump with a foul odor. It looks like it was some kind of cooking gone horribly wrong.
Decreases all stats by 5 ~ 10 points.
Duration 30 minutes
Weight: 5

me parese que son MUCHOS puntos o,o

Create bomb:  BOMB BANABA!!!!.

Special Pharmacy: mas potas todabia wii

asi como va hasta el carro tendra su porpia AI luego XD, carros trasngenicos O.o


  • Moderador Global
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  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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Transgenicos? O.o

Yo diría que mientras el mecha tendrá mecha (?), el generic tendrá tanque. xD


  • Moderador Global
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JAAAAAAAJAJAJAJA AD DE AREAAAAAAAAAAA JAJAJAJAJAJAJA *5 minutos despues* ¿mama, quienes son esos señores vestidos de blanco?

Recuperando un poco la cordura mas que Generic deberia ser Chef xD porque entre las comidas que te aumentan los stats entre 20-30 puntos y el resto de cosas va a tener el carro lleno xD

Muy interensante si señor, solo me falta decidir si seguire la rama cocinero o la rama carro.

Concentrated White Potion Z xD me encanta ese nombre.

LuNa PrInCeSs

  • Sea Otter
    • Mensajes: 49
  • Lunar Beauty
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  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 1932
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Entonces ya es oficial

Genetic > Mechanic (?)

y por mucho Lunita.... bueno falta ver que tan bugueado slae este (?)



  • Eddga
    • Mensajes: 137
  • hardstyle♪
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Estoy con ancias de ver como es el Generic COmo sera de Bakano


  • Khalitzburg
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                        Si el alchemist tiene capa y el creator tambien...seguro este tiene
Tras eso cazar a los nobs que corren sueltos

Tengo mi Rifle armado y listo, he puesto trampas Ofreciendo cuentas Gratuitas en Renewal por todo el lugar... Dime cuando e inicio la purificación (?)


  • Atros
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  • Si no puedes con Ellas, Golpealas
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AD en Area... Frutas Bomb... Bost de Carro.. Es como ver un Ws jugando al Worms (?)

Que buena onda, pero como me paso con los primeros 3rd job, me emocione para ver que son una soberana cagada ( my point of View)... Tendra Bugs? OfCourse ^^ ... Tendra un Buen Sprite... esperemos un cachito mas :D
