30-03-2011 - Biolab F4 en Mains


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Common Patch

- Inicia el evento del April Fools Day.
- Agregados íconos de estado para las Masquerades de Shadow Chaser.
- Actualizada la descripción de la skill 'Odin's Power' que da el item Holy Scripture.
- La descripción ingame de la Ghostring Card se actualza para ser la misma que en la página de inicio.

Main Servers

- Agregado el dungeon Biolabs 4F.
  • Evento del dungeon Biolabs 4F ha comenzado.
  • Algunos items del Servidor de Pruebas Sakray han tenido sus efectos actualizados.
- Old Blue box, Old Violet Box, Present Box, High Grade Weapon Box, and Accessory Box se han actualizado con nuevos items.
- Corregido un error en donde castear Crescent Elbow a través de Reproduce como Shadow Chaser no consumía Spirits Spheres.
- El evento Lucky Playtime ha comenzado, de mayo 30 hasta abril 13. Ver página de inicio para mas detalles.

Patch en inglés
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Patch en coreano
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Acerca del Patch

Con la implementación de Biolab 4 a los Main, se cambio la Login Screen y algunas Loading Screens:

Nueva Login Screen

Nuevas Loading Screens

Nuevos íconos de estado para las Maquerades de Shadow Chaser

Coparandolos con los iconos de la correspondiente skill, es fácil saber que icono corresponde a que skill, en orden serían:


-KRO: http://ro.game.gnjoy.com/news/viewNotice.asp?seqNo=5093
-Doddler: http://forums.irowiki.org/showpost.php?p=1056593&postcount=1
« Última modificación: 30 de Marzo de 2011, 17:25 por //(◕‿‿◕)\\ »


  • Poring
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Al parecer no hay planes para los expanded aun  :arg:


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Al parecer no hay planes para los expanded aun  :arg:

Yo no espero anda de ellos hasta mayo... si sale antes, si sería sorpresa

Neko kun

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  • Neko kun
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a mi me interesa Biolabs F4!!!!!!!!! porfavor alguien carge como son los nuevos mobs, me explico mejor? la hp, lvl, daño, etc, esa info me interesa demasiado :3
« Última modificación: 30 de Marzo de 2011, 03:51 por Neko kun »


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Con la llegada de biolab 4 a mains, se cambio la login screen y se agregaron unas loading screen:

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Me quedo con la login xD... y por cierto, con estas imagenes de los nuevos clones, vayanse dando ideas de arts para futuras cartas de esta mob...

El patch menciona iconos de estado para las masquerades, aqui estan para ustedes bishes

EDIT again xD

Imagenes de los equipos introducios el patch pasado
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Solo que si no mal recuerdo, eran 21 equipos, y aqui hay 24...orita veo que falta, o si nomas estoy wey

Fuente: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?p=1057001#post1057001
« Última modificación: 30 de Marzo de 2011, 18:18 por //(◕‿‿◕)\\ »


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me quedo solo con la primera login...... haganse la idea, estos clones son maquinas encarnisadas de matar... no les veo felices coqueteandose entre otros... pero las otras logins.. si, se ven como para fanarts...., pero recuerden.

Asi es como se ve un clon.

Dominador, esta vez voy en la lucha contra la corrupcion.

Neko kun

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  • Neko kun
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son asi en realidad :3

pero ya enserio alguien me puede dar una database de estos nuevos mobs :3 y sus mvp, deberian haber tambien mvp como en bio lvl 3 :3
« Última modificación: 30 de Marzo de 2011, 22:51 por Neko kun »


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-El arte de la login-screen se ve genial. (La Scholar esta guapa n n).

¿Es posible que esas nuevas armas pasen a ser drop de estos nuevos clones?


  • Poring
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    • http://revolutionromx.awardspace.biz/
Al Fin !!

Si 3er piso los hacia llorar...

Imaginense esta parte del Laboratorio..

=D Ya quiero Destruir ese piso con mi Royal Guard ! y enfrentar  a la copia del Paladin

Jonathan Delville

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Cambios (En negritas) en las armas!

1290#Agent Katar#[1]
A favorite of assassins who can't let their victim's get away.  It makes it easy to concentrate on your target.
Every 2 base Luk grants 1 Hit.
Type: Katar
Attack: 170
Weight: 120
Weapon Level: 3
Req Level: 100
Class: Guillotine Cross

1291#Guillotine Katar#
In the past, this katar was crafted to take out a traitor to the Guillotine Cross guild.
Dex + 2. Flee -30
Increases damage vs demihuman targets by 50%.
Increases damage of cross impact by 30%.
Type: Katar
Attack: 200
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 140
Class: Guillotine Cross

1392#Ignus Steel#[1]
A giant two handed axe crafted in volcanic heat.  It's difficult to grip due to its burning heat.
Whean dealing physical damage there's a chance to cause 'Burning' status.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts)
Type: Two-Handed Axe
Attack: 250
Weight: 190
Property: Fire
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 95
Class: Swordsman/Merchant Type

1393#End Sectora#[1]
A giant axe crafted with an ore taken from the ends of the earth itself.  Just looking at it chills you to the bone.
When dealing physical damage there's a chance to cause 'Freezing' status.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts)
Type: Two-Handed Axe
Attack: 250
Weight: 190
Property: Water
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 95
Class: Swordsman/Merchant Type

1435#Cannon Spear#[1]
A slender pointed spear crafted with Carnium.
Max SP - 100.
Cannon Spear damage + 10%.
Every 3 refine increases the attack power.
Type: One-Handed Spear
Attack: 180
Weight: 160
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 100
Class: Royal Guard

1490#Gigantic Lance#
A replica spear of one held by the giant guardians at an ancient temple.  Very few are able to use it's true power.
ASPD - 10.
When unequipping, you lose 600 sp.
Increases fixed cast time of Spiral Pierce by 4 seconds. (effect removed)
Increases cooldown time of Spiral Pierce by 20 seconds. (not exactly sure if cooldown or aftercast delay. Cooldown is more likely though.)
If the user has 120 base strength, adds +300 attack power.
Type: Two-Handed Spear
Attack: 20
Weight: 2000
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 140
Class: Rune Knight

1584#Cold Magic Book#[2]
The research of a great Sorcerer is detailed in this book.  One of the 4 great elemental books (Cold Volume).
MATK + 160, DEX + 1.
Every 3 refine increase cold bolt and diamond dust's attack power by a %,
Every 5 refine increases the skill sp cost.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts)
Type: Book
Attack: 100
Weight: 100
Property: Water
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 100
Class: Sorcerer

1659#Light of Recovery#[1]
A staff constructed solely for recovery ability.  It maximizes the healing recovery at a high cost to the user.
MATK + 160.
Each refine increases your heal power and greatly increases the SP cost.
Indestructible (except in upgrade attempts)
Type: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 30
Property: Holy
Weight: 40
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 110
Class: Arch Bishop

2160#Giant Shield#[1]
A replica shield of one used by the giant stone guardians of an ancient temple.  It's said to be crafted by a legendary blacksmith.
Reduces damage form large size monsters by 5%.
If refined to +9, reduces damage by an additional 5%.
Type: Shield
Def: 130
Weight: 280
Req Level: 100
Class: 3rd Job Swordsman Type

2161#Geffenia Tomb of Water#
A book from the lost land of geffenia that's said to contain powerful magic.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
If base INT is 120, Adds MATK + 10, MaxHP + 800.
If used in combination with L'cryma Stick and refined to +4 or above, reduces fixed cast time of Storm Gust, Jack Frost, Frost Misty by %.
Type: Shield
Def: 30
Weight: 100
Req Level: 100
Class: Warlock

2162#Holy Scripture Vol 2#[1]
A book of hymns used at church proceedings.  It's said to have been very popular when it was first printed.
MDEF + 5.
Allows casting of "Odin's Power Lv2".
Increases heal power by 5%.
Type: Shield
Def: 20
Weight: 50
Req Level: 140
Class: Arch Bishop

2582#Salvage Cape#
A cape intended to provide quick escape said to be a colaboration by an eastern magician and a western tailor.
Enables use of Ciceda Skin Shed Lv 1, but adds 30 seconds to the cooldown of this ability.
While equipped all skills take twice as much SP.
When unequipping the Garment, you lose 1200 SP
Type: Garment
Def: 1
Weight: 40
Req Level: 130
Class: Warlock / Arch Bishop

2892#Assassin's Glove#
A cleverly designed glove with metal claws that can be used both defensively and offensively.
Max SP + 20, Crit + 3.
When equipped with the Krisna, increases attack power by 50, Increase Sonic Bow's power by 50%. FLEE - 30
When equipped with the Chakram, increases critical attack damage by 40%, CRI +4, MHP -10%
Type: Accessory
Def: 3
Weight: 40
Req Level: 100
Class: Guillotine Cross

A dagger that shines blue and enchanted with binding magic.
MATK + 80.
Has a chance when dealing melee damage to freeze the target.
Increased refine increases the freezing chance.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 160
Weight: 50
Property: Wind
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 110
Class: Swordsman/Merchant/Thief Type

A dagger that shines red and enchanted with binding magic.
MATK + 80.
Has a chance when dealing melee damage to petrify the target.
Increased refine increases the petrification chance.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 160
Weight: 50
Property: Fire
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 110
Class: Swordsman/Merchant/Thief Type

15044#Green Surgical Gown#[1]
A gown once used by a scholar who studied homunculus.
DEX + 1, MaxSP + 30.
When equipped with the Scalpel, has a chance when killing animal and demi-human type monsters to drop 'Immortal Heart' and 'Alcohol'.
Higher refine rate increases the chance of item drop.
Type: Armor
Def: 66
Weight: 66
Req Level: 100
Class: Mechanic

16017#Bloody Cross#
A mace in the shape of a blood red cross infused with dark power.  It's blood red color makes you feel uneasy.
When dealing melee physical damage, has a chance to autospell Hell Inferno Lv1.
Increased refine rate increases the chance of activation.
Type: Mace
Attack: 170
Weight: 150
Property: Shadow
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 100
Class: Trans Acolyte Type

A thief guild developed bow that can fire multiple arrows at a time.
Each 2 refines increases the damage of Triangle Shot by a %, and increases it's SP cost.
Type: Bow
Attack: 150
Weight: 110
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 100
Class: Shadow Chaser

18110#Giant Crossbow#[2]
A difficult to wield bow that is designed for consecutive firing.
Every 5 refine increases the damage of Arrow Storm by a %, and increases it's SP cost.
If the user has 120 base AGI, ASPD + 1.
Type: Bow
Attack: 160
Weight: 90
Weapon Level: 4
Req Level: 110
Class: Ranger

18111#Creeper Bow#[2]
A bow crafted out of strange magic vines, which when fired launches arrows covered in a spider web.
Dex + 1.
When dealing ranged pysical damage, has a chance to autocast fiberlock.
Type: Bow
Attack: 150
Weight: 150
Weapon Level: 3
Req Level: 120
Class: 3rd Job Archer Type

18570#Ancient Gold Ornament#[1]
A flashy gold ornament crafted with ancient magic.  It's power varies based on it's users class.
When base level is 150, All Stats + 2.
When equipped by Swordsman, Merchant, Thief type: ATK + 8%.
When equipped by Mage, Priest type: MATK + 8%, Heal effectiveness + 7%. (effect removed)
When equippped by Archer type: Dex + 3, increases ranged damage by 10%.
Type: Helm
Def: 7
Position: Upper
Weight: 40
Req Level: 100
Class: Any 3rd Job
« Última modificación: 01 de Abril de 2011, 01:51 por Jonathan Delville »

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm

Neko kun

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eso deja muchas cosas, -600sp si cambias o te kitas el arma, y un mega cooldown o.o
eso ara k lo piensen tal ves 2 veses al ponerse el arma para solo aser CS? o.o

y si le asen desvist? tambien se perdieria los 600sp?
« Última modificación: 01 de Abril de 2011, 00:11 por Neko kun »

Vidar Wolfheim

  • Atros
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-30 flee D:  almenos tiene 200 atk :3

ahora si no se quejen del combo lacrima stick + geffeia water tomb xD

otros cambios fueron al atk y lvl requerido

20 sec cooldown y menos 600 sp con la gigantic lance? ouch

almenos cambiaron algo e_e

el assassin glove aun no me convense ... bueno solo con los chakrams


  • Lord of Death
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Cambios (En negritas) en las armas!

15044#Green Surgical Gown#[1]
A gown once used by a scholar who studied homunculus.
DEX + 1, MaxSP + 30.
When equipped with the Scalpel, has a chance when killing animal and demi-human type monsters to drop 'Immortal Heart' and 'Alcohol'.
Higher refine rate increases the chance of item drop.
Type: Armor
Def: 66
Weight: 66
Req Level: 100
Class: Mechanic
Sigue igual...

DiviniaRo: Solren [Thief - Lv.96/RO2], Solren [Job Changer Abuser - Lv.150/RO1]
signature by me


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Es curioso que le den al mechanic un item que hace que pueda ayudar a otro job...

... Pero al Sorcerer le dan skills para no necesitar al mechanic. xD

Jonathan Delville

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Oye, al menos ahora los Mechanics tienen una utilidad... Ser Bots de Genetics!

inba flame war

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm