Vulture's Eye (Skill ID# 44)Type: Passive Max Level: 10Required For: Improve Concentration (L1), Double Strafing (L10 Rogue), Falcon Assault (L5 Sniper), True Sight (L10 Sniper).Effect: Increases range with bows by 1*SkillLV cells and increases HIT by 1 per SkillLV.Level Description1 Range and HIT +12 Range and HIT +23 Range and HIT +34 Range and HIT +45 Range and HIT +56 Range and HIT +67 Range and HIT +78 Range and HIT +89 Range and HIT +910 Range and HIT +10
en todos los servers en que he estado el vulture saba 10 puntos de hit directos cuando estaba en lvl max