Este es un tutorial k escribí hace algún tiempo en RoEmpire, por eso esta en inglés... Para esto, se supone que tienes una base de Photoshop...
:.:.: ACTUALIZACIONES :.:.:- 07/Ene/05: Empiezo a traducir el tutorial a Español...
- 29/Nov/04: Reescrito el tutorial para hacer algunas cosas más claras. Añadido un pequeño texto sobre los shortcuts.
:.:.: LO QUE NECESITAS :.:.:- Template skin
- Skin maker
- Adobe photoshop. You uso Adobe photoshop 7.0.
- Skin viewer (opcional). Esto es solo para ir viendo el progreso del skin.
- Y un cerebro... sin cerebro no hay ayuda (ni skin).
>>>>> The template and skin maker está
aquí>>>>> Puedes bajarte gratis un trial de Photoshop
aqui:.:.: LO QUE SIGNIFICAN LOS SHORTCUTS :.:.:Alguna gente postea que no le funcionan los Shortcuts que uso durante el tutorial. Si ese es tu caso, hazlo de la otra manera. No son muy dificiles igualmente... ni siquiera yo uso mucho los Shortcuts. Si quieres aprender más Shortcuts de Photoshop mira
- CTRL+C : Copiar.
Edit > Copy- CTRL+V : Pegar.
Edit > Paste- CTRL+X : Cortar.
Edit > Cut- CTRL+A : Seleccionar Todo.
Edit > Select All:.:.: BASE DE PHOTOSHOP :.:.:As I said before, you're supposed to know some Photoshop basics. I can't tell you how to do EVERYTHING if you haven't even opened Photoshop before in your entire life, basically because this would be like a 6-pages long tutorial instead of what it is. If you need help with the basics, search for tutorials. There are TONS of them out there. I've written some, not many though:
Photoshop basics and others:.:.: EL TUTORIAL :.:.:Y ahora el tutorial :)
1. Abre el template en Photoshop. Pulsa ctrl+A para seleccionar toda la imágen y copia la imágen con ctrl+C, ahora pulsa ctrl+N para crear una nueva imágen y ctrl+V para pegar lo que has copiado antes. Cambiale el nombre del layer a "template". Haz un nuevo layer y llamalo "transparency" por ejemplo.

2. Ve a "Select > Color range" y selecciona "mangenta" del drop down menu. Haz click en OK. Ahora verás unas pequeñas selecciones en tu imágen. Haz click en el layer "template" en la ventana de layers para hacerlo activo. Pulsa Ctrl+C para copiar la selección y haz click en el layer "transparency" para hacerlo activo. Pega lo que habias copiado ahi (Ctrl+C)

3. Again, make a new layer and name it "black" for example. Go to "Select > color range" and select "shadows" from the drop down menu and copy the selection with Ctrl+C. Make a new layer and press Ctrl+V to paste what you copied before.
4. Once again, go to "Select > Color range" and select "highlights" from the drop down menu. Press Ctrl+X to cut the selection.
5. (OPTIONAL) If the template layer is transparent where it shouldn't be (for example, on buttons) make a new layer just under them (never put other layers between this one and the template layer), select the brush tool and paint those parts until you've finished with the non-desired transparencies.
6. Now you've done that, you can save the image as a psd document to use it everytime you want to make a skin. At the template layer.
7. Open the image you want to use as a background. Now is when your part comes, use your creativity. Open the image you want to use for the skin and paste it under the template image. Don't forget that the text is always black! so don't use an image that's too dark...

8. (OPTIONAL) If you want to change the color of the whole template, first select the "template" layer. Go to
Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation and click on "Colorize". Move the bars there until you're happy with the result.

9. To change the text: type text above the template layer IN THE EXACT PLACE of the word or whatever you're going to change (otherwise, the skin will look weird). When you've wrote the text in the correct place, take the eraser tool and erase the old text from the "template" layer.

10. Supposing that you've finished your skin, what you have to do now is flatten the image. First save the PSD for next uses (
File > Save as...). Click on the arrow at the upper right corner of the layers window and click on "Flatten image", then go to
Archive > Save as and save it as a bmp. Bmp only!

Go to the folder where you have the skins maker and open it. Click on browse at the top field and select your bmp image. At the middle field you have to select your RO folder. It will normally be something like C:/Program Files/Gravity/RO (no you don't have to select the skins folder! only the ro folder!). Type a name for your skin at the bottom field then click on "Create skins" or something like that.
You're finished! :) if you downloaded the RO skin viewer you can view it there or you can prove it at ro itself!
I hope you found this tutorial useful. I know some people have learned to make skins with this tutorial. Credit/thankyous/etc for the tutorial would be greatly appreciated since it took me a while to write. People seem to forget me when they arrive to the last step ^^. Thanks.