Se puede?

Akai Shuichi

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    • Mensajes: 2803
  • Fear of death may be even worse than death itself
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Me gustaria saber si se puede llevar GC gospel y reflect shield, quizas si rinde con alguna a lvl mas bajo, la verda nose, nunca e tenido un pala y me gustaria saber si es posible

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."


  • Ifrit
    • Mensajes: 1272
  • You gotta spend some time with me.
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Pues, de alcanzar, alcanza. El problema será a que nivel el Gospel y a que nivel el Shield Reflect.

Prueba a ver que resultados te convienen más.

Akai Shuichi

  • Moderadores
    • Mensajes: 2803
  • Fear of death may be even worse than death itself
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omg nunca habia visto ese skill tree y eso q llevo usando rune niff añso ya xD

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Akai Shuichi

  • Moderadores
    • Mensajes: 2803
  • Fear of death may be even worse than death itself
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que otro nombre tiene gospel O_O???

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."


  • Ifrit
    • Mensajes: 1272
  • You gotta spend some time with me.
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