High Jump y casteo del Emergency call?


  • Smokie
    • Mensajes: 10
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Pues si la skill esta bien puesta un taekwon class que aprenda esta skill deberia de castear call en 10 segundos si no me equivoco, no?

Jonathan Delville

  • Moderador Global
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Exactamente, en cuanto subas un punto a High Jump. El tiempo de casteo de Emergency Call (5 Segundos) se duplica



All guild members will be teleported next to the Guild Master. Once used, caster must wait 5 minutes before using this skill again.

    * If a guild member is on a loading screen when the skill is cast, they will not be brought to the guild leader.
    * Guild members who are dead (ex. If a party of guild members is dead in a dungeon for some reason) will also not be brought to the guild leader.
    * The delay associated with this skill is the same delay that is associated with the skills Restoration, Regeneration, and Battle Command. If a guild leader preforms one of these, they cannot preform Urgent Call until the 5 minute delay has enlapsed, and vice versa.
    * If the guild leader is a Taekwon class, once they put skill points into Leap, that leader's recall cast time is doubled (from 5 to 10 seconds)

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm


  • Poring
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Yo tengo un Linker recaller y no son 10 segs, son 5 supongo que tiene bug y creanme k uso mucho el high jump

Jonathan Delville

  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2885
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Yo tengo un Linker recaller y no son 10 segs, son 5 supongo que tiene bug y creanme k uso mucho el high jump

xD Lindo Resu de un mes, ¿cuesta mucho leer las fechas de los ultimos posts?

En todo caso si, es un Bug de eAthena el que no se le duplique el tiempo de casteo de Recall a la rama de Taeks... sabe desde que versión, otra cosa en la lista junto a la Noxious reduciendo magia y Sword Mastery afectando Martyr xd

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm