adivina el video juego¡¡¡¡¡¡

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Alexander Dragonfang

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No es un "Tales of algo"?

"El sacrificio de mis amigos ha dejado una marca en mi cuerpo y su voluntad una marca en mi corazon...
Del cielo a la Tierra, un cuerpo y un alma... ¡Una maquina que desafia a los dioses!"

Akai Shuichi

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  • Fear of death may be even worse than death itself
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You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Akai Shuichi

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Creo que ya deje esto pegado O_o

Pista: "La Pucelle"

PD: Ni intenten adivinar con el juego llamado La Pucelle, porque no es o.o

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Akai Shuichi

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  • Fear of death may be even worse than death itself
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Es de Atlus

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Akai Shuichi

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Es tactics RPG, es de Atlus, esta para PSP, la personaje principal es mujer, el otro main es un hombre, originalmente un ladron que usa un hacha. Ella es rubia, es del tipo kingdom vs empire (enserio, los rpg suelen tener un espiritu monarca anti imperial xD), ademas hay necromancers y unidades que parecen royal guards.

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Jonathan Delville

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Yggdra Union: We’ll Never Fight Alone xD

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm

Akai Shuichi

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OMG, como supiste??? (?)

Pon imagen xD

You can round up a million maggots to try to defeat me... but you'll still all just be maggots!

"The Little Busters are forever..."

Jonathan Delville

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Me lo dijo una ardilla (?)

Algo para los nostalgicos, el favorito de una amiga xD

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm


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OMGG Que es eso?? xDddd
Parece un mugen? que es? Las Aventuras del niño que podia matar? xd

Jonathan Delville

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xD No, es un juego original... nada de creaciones de Mugen o similares.

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm

Jonathan Delville

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xD No, sin relación alguna con Power Rangers. Como dato, es una de las joyas de la N64 =x

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm

Hyuga Makoto

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Mischief Makers ;)

HEY HEY! Ningen SUCKER!! Aa   ningen... Ningen FUCKER!!


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si, es ese >_<
me ganaste, yo me lo sabia porke lo jugue... una experiencia inolvidable.