Tipo de Videojugador (test)


  • Raydric
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damn cuanta rason


  • Thanatos
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Your BrainHex Class is Conqueror.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Conqueror-Mastermind.

You like defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players as well as solving puzzles and devising strategies.

According to your results, there are few play experiences that you strongly dislike.

Learn more about your classes and exceptions at BrainHex.com.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Conqueror: 19
Mastermind: 16
Daredevil: 13
Survivor: 13
Socialiser: 11
Achiever: 8
Seeker: 7
Go to BrainHex.com to learn more about this player model, and the neurobiological research behind it.

Feel free to take a copy of your BrainHex icon and display it anywhere you wish! Simply right click and choose "save as". All we ask is you provide a link to BrainHex.com anywhere you use our images.

Thanks for taking part in the BrainHex survey!

“I cannot be defeated!”

You like defeating impossibly difficult foes, struggling until you eventually achieve victory, and beating other players.

Your behaviour is forceful – you channel your anger in order to achieve victory and thus experience fiero, the intense emotion which causes you to punch the air.

Your major brain regions are the nucleus accumbens (the “pleasure centre”) and the hypothalamus, which controls anger.

Your chemical messenger is norepinephrine, which is released by the adrenal glands and enhances the effects of the reward chemical dopamine. Testosterone may also have an important role in your play (whether you are male or female), especially if you are particularly persistent.

If you were an animal, it would be a shark.

Favourite games of Conquerors surveyed so far include Call of Duty, Halo, Metal Gear Solid, Metroid, StarCraft, and Super Smash Bros.

Your BrainHex class is named after the Conqueror (DGD1), which is related to Hard Fun (4 Fun Keys), Achievement-Competition motivation (Yee) and Agon (Roger Caillois), and partly related to both the Killer and Achiever (Bartle Type), and both Strategic and Tactical play (Temperament theory).

Your BrainHex Icon depicts the adrenal glands as two small diamonds connected to the nucleus accumbens ("pleasure centre"), representing that competition and challenge brings you pleasure. The adrenal glands appear twice - on the left for epinephrine (adrenalin), and on the right for norepinephrine, and your pleasure centre has double lines to indicate that it is highly stimulated by your play style.

Feel free to take a copy of your BrainHex icon and display it anywhere you wish! Simply right click and choose "save as". All we ask is you provide a link to BrainHex.com anywhere you use our images

“I know what to do.”

You like solving puzzles and devising strategies.

Your behaviour is focussed around making the most efficient decisions.

Your major brain region is the orbito-frontal cortex, an area just behind and above the eyes involved in making decisions, and the nucleus accumbens (or “pleasure centre”) which is closely linked to it.

Your chemical messenger is dopamine, which is chemically similar to cocaine, and is involved in habit formation.

If you were an animal, it would be an octopus.

Favourite games of Masterminds surveyed so far include Animal Crossing, Chess, Chrono Trigger, Fallout, Half-Life, and Zelda .

Your BrainHex class is related to Achievement-Mechanics motivation (Yee), the Manager (DGD1), Strategic play (Temperament theory) and Ludus (Roger Caillois), and is partly related to Hard Fun (4 Fun Keys), and the Explorer (Bartle Type).

Your BrainHex Icon depicts the orbito-frontal cortex ("decision centre") as a square, connected to the nucleus accumbens ("pleasure centre"), representing that strategic thinking and puzzle-solving brings you pleasure. Your pleasure centre has double lines to indicate that it is highly stimulated by your play style.

Feel free to take a copy of your BrainHex icon and display it anywhere you wish! Simply right click and choose "save as". All we ask is you provide a link to BrainHex.com anywhere you use our images.

Instic[23|Oct 02:53]: mocoso 3.0 me gusta esa version
Instic[23|Oct 02:53]: una vercion mas avanzada capaz de adaptarse a cualquier cosa(?)
Instic[23|Oct 02:55]: admite que te gusto ese comentario xD
Berto [23|Oct 02:55]: lol
Vidar Wolfheim[23|Oct 02:55]: la odio solo porque al escribiste tu o..o
Berto[23|Oct 02:57]:^ la prueba de que siguen peleando para defender su título


  • Moderador Global
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  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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Your BrainHex Class is Seeker.
Your BrainHex Sub-Class is Seeker-Daredevil.

You like finding strange and wonderful things or finding familiar things as well as rushing around at heights or high speed while you are still in control.

Each BrainHex Class also has an Exception, which describes what you dislike about playing games. Your Exceptions are:

» No Fear: You do not enjoy feeling afraid, preferring to feel safe or in control.

Your scores for each of the classes in this test were as follows:

Seeker: 19
Daredevil: 18
Mastermind: 14
Conqueror: 12
Achiever: 11
Socialiser: 6
Survivor: 0

Básicamente aquí dice que soy un obsesionado del farm que se tira por un barranco con tal de pillar el rarz.

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Bueno, algunos juegos no los he jugado, pero es cierto que los Zelda y Okami son de mis favoritos. :D

« Última modificación: 08 de Abril de 2011, 18:47 por Darki »