[All About Us]-[18/SEP/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: alguien quiere un AGR?

[All About Us]-[25/SEP/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: Rival XDDDD
[dejavu]-[16/OCT/2011] by [stratospheric]

[Children of Thor]-[30/OCT/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments:un asco de woe, muy lag Q_Q.
shitty woe too lagged for me. thanks for let me play woe with you guys [cot].

[dejavu]-[06/NOV/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: standby is a bitch. , I have to improve my editing shit.

[dejavu]-[13/NOV/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: perdon por el error del minuto 5:09 hasta el 6:00, got some problems reendering so I missed some action from minute 5:06 to 6:00 so srry about that also we played like shit.
[dejavu]-[20/NOV/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: cya dejavu.
Currently playing on:xRO
[Impact]-[20/NOV/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: guest woe en Impact, gracias por dejarme jugar con ustedes :]

[Impact]-[27/NOV/2011] by [stratospheric]
-comments: sorry about the missing scenes, I am so fucked up and I didnt sleep last night so I dont want to render this video anymore, sorry about that again :[. Perdón por las escenas perdidas, pero esto muy cansado y no dormí anoche así que no pienso reenderizar de nuevo el vídeo, perdón por eso.
at Storm Rage Guild:forum:
[Storm Rage]-[3/DEC/2011] by [stratospheric] -LINK: -comments: Girls Are Objects.
[Storm Rage]-[11/DEC/2011] by [stratospheric] -LINK: -comments: EC champion XD