WoE 22 Octubre


  • Administrador
    • Mensajes: 572
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    • Celestial Star
Ya se ha creado la guild de extension, el master es kofmaster = Amelia in game, por lo que todo aquel que quiera guild para jugar esta WoE, que vaya al save de la guild:

Defenderemos nuestro castillo, y si hay oportunidad, se intentara coger otro, al menos al final  :)
« Última modificación: 22 de Octubre de 2008, 20:11 por IceWolf »


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 5437
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    • 6hitcombo
Tendre que entrar al TS xD, era dificil siendo GM de la expansión organizar cosas con la otra guild (aunque igual no tengo microfono sera solo para escuchar).

Aca como quedaron los castillos:

The [BalderGuild 1] castle has been conquered by the [Inertia] guild.
The [BalderGuild 2] castle has been conquered by the [Inertia] guild.
The [BalderGuild 3] castle has been conquered by the [Inertia] guild.
The [BalderGuild 4] castle has been conquered by the [Destrado] guild.
The [BalderGuild 5] castle has been conquered by the [Inertia] guild.
The [Britoniah Guild 1] castle has been conquered by the [Destrado] guild.
The [Britoniah Guild 2] castle has been conquered by the [Sakura] guild.
The [Britoniah Guild 3] castle has been conquered by the [Valkyrie] guild.
The [Britoniah Guild 4] castle has been conquered by the [Rune Nifelheim] guild.
The [Britoniah Guild 5] castle has been conquered by the [Eternal Redemption] guild.
The [Valkyrie Realms 1] castle has been conquered by the [Destrado] guild.
The [Valkyrie Realms 2] castle has been conquered by the [Valkyrie] guild.
The [Valkyrie Realms 3] castle has been conquered by the [RageQuit] guild.
The [Valkyrie Realms 4] castle has been conquered by the [Valkyrie] guild.
The [Valkyrie Realms 5] castle has been conquered by the [Destrado] guild.
The [Valfreyja 1] stronghold of Mardol is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Valfreyja 2] stronghold of Cyr is occupied by the [Destrado] Guild.
The [Valfreyja 3] stronghold of Horn is occupied by the [Destrado] Guild.
The [Valfreyja 4] stronghold of Gefn is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Valfreyja 5] stronghold of Badanis is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Nithafjoll 1] stronghold of Himinn is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Nithafjoll 2] stronghold of Andlangr is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Nithafjoll 3] stronghold of Vidblainn is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Nithafjoll 4] stronghold of Hljod is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Nithafjoll 5] stronghold of Skidbladnir is occupied by the [Valkyrie] Guild.
The [Luina Guild 1] castle has been conquered by the [Ethos] guild.
The [Luina Guild 2] castle has been conquered by the [Red Ribbon] guild.
The [Luina Guild 3] castle has been conquered by the [Ethos] guild.
The [Luina Guild 4] castle has been conquered by the [Praetorianum Bellatores] guild.
The [Luina Guild 5] castle has been conquered by the [Gaia] guild.


  • Administrador
    • Mensajes: 572
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    • Celestial Star
No importa, con escuchar ya esta bien, asi nos coordinamos todos y puedes decirlo por guild para los k no entren a TS, aunque deberian xD

Se nota mucho la diferencia con los pj de guilds con muchos castis :/ ese equipo...
Faltan guilds, acaparan demasiados castillos y sacan demasiados items.


  • Poring
    • Mensajes: 3
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Se nota mucho las guilds que están sacando equipo. Pero bueno, nosotros con acabar con casti ya iremos sacando poco a poco. Al menos me quedo tranquilo sabiendo que contamos con players con bastante experiencia y que en cuanto tengan algo de nivel o equipo empezarán a destacar :3

Por mi parte, tardaba tanto en castear que podía jugar con la rogue mientras, jeajeajea. A ver si me lleváis de share y voy subiendo dex a la wizz n_n. Grabé la woe, pero no creo que haya nada interesante porque atacando me mataban los guardias v_v

I may still have some secret sides you have never seen, which no one in the world knows


  • Poring
    • Mensajes: 4
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Screens de las 2 petadas:

Me moría de un golpe, excepto al final que me encontré con un knight de lanza que me quitaba 200 por Spear Boomerang.
Maté a 2 personas...  o,ô!



  • Thanatos
    • Mensajes: 589
  • Spam Hunter
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    • Wanderer Life - Walk, lot of it
No imagino la cantidad de usuarios que debe tener la guild [Valkyrie] para lograr mantener tantos castillos bajo su dominio. Aunque no creo que tarde en verse forzada a defender cada vez menos y menos.

De nuevo, excelente trabajo a los que participaron. Felicidades.