14/04/2010 - Añadido sistema de spirits/summons

Hiro · 46 · 15921


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Common Patch

- Corregida la skill de Archbishop "Adoramus" para no causar un doble efecto AGI Down.

- Se han ajustado algunas skills de Warlock.
    * Jack Frost
          o Fórmula de daño modificada.
          o Daño se inflige ahora cuando no esta aplicado el estado "Freezing".
    * Chain Lightning
          o Fórmula de daño modificada.
    * Soul Expansion
          o Fórmula de daño modificada.
    * Crimson Rock
          o Fórmula de daño modificada.

Main Servers

- Colocar el puntero sobre los iconos de estado en el lado derecho muestra información adicional.

- Se ha ajustado el uso de la opción de notificación del party recruiting system.

- Las configuraciones del juego ahora se guardan en un archivo local. Las opciones se guardan en la carpeta RO\data\OptionInfo.lua. Copiando OptionInfo.lua y UserKeys.lua restaurará todos los ajustes en el juego y la configuración de las teclas.

Sakray Test Server

- Añadida las Spirit Sorcerer skills. Como resultado, el árbol de skills y la organización de la ventana han sido actualizados.

- Boss monsters que no son MVP Boss ahora estan sujetos al ajuste de nivel de experiencia/drops.

- La diferencia de nivel máximo para una share de party se ha incrementado de 10 niveles a 15 niveles. Además, el ajuste de experiencia por nivel de monstruo se ha adaptado.

- Mejora de la ventana de skills. Ahora al hacer clic en una skill para subirla de nivel, se suben automáticamente todos los prerrequisitos (si se tienen los suficientes skillpoints). Además, al pasar el ratón sobre una skill que tiene prerrequisitos, se muestra el nivel de la skill prerrequisito que se requiere.

Unnoficial Patch

-Summons del Sorcerer
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---- Fire Spirit Agni Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned fire spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Pyrotechnic : Increases damage of fire bolt and Fire Wall.

ii - Heater : Increases damage of fire walk.
Increases the heal of the Warmer skill a little.
Slightly increases damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to fire.

iii - Tropic : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto spell fire bolt.
Using Flame Launcher or Volcano have a 50% chance of not consuming a Red Blood or Yellow Gemstone.

[Protect Me]
i - Circle of Fire : Creates a circle of fire around the summoner, which causes damage to enemies who attack the summoner.

ii - Fire Cloak : Increases resistance to fire property attacks, lowers resistance to water property attacks.

iii - Fire Mantle : Creates a powerful firewall around the summoner.

[Attack My Enemy]
i - Fire Arrow : Fires a fire arrow at a single target dealing fire elemental damage.

ii - Fire Bomb : Fires a fire bomb at a target dealing fire elemental damage in an area around it.
Or deals fire elemental magic damage.

iii - Fire Wave : Fires a wave of fire at a target dealing fire elemental damage in an area around it. 
O the target takes large fire elemental magic damage.

---- Water Spirit Aqua Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned water spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Aqua Play : Increases cold bolt and Frost Diver damage.

ii - Cooler : Slightly increases the freezing chance of diamond dust.
Slightly increases the damage of Diamond Dust.
Slightly increases the damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to water.

iii - Cool Air : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto cast Cold Bolt.
Frost Weapon and Deluge skills have a 50% chance of not consuming a crystal blue/yellow gemstone.

[Protect Me]
i - Water Screen : Heals the summoner a set amount of HP.
For a short period of time damage will be redirected to the Aqua.

ii - Water Drop : Increases resistance to water property, while lowering your resistance to fire.

iii - Water Barrier : Generates a barrier around the caster of water.  While in this barrier, physical and magic damage are reduced.  However, evasion and attack power are also reduced.

[Attack my Target]
i - Ice Needle : Strikes a single target for water elemental magic damage.

ii - Water Screw : Strikes a single target for water elemental magic damage.
Or damages all enemies in a radius around the target.

iii - Tidal Weapon : For a short period of time changes the summoner and the spirit's weapon to water property.
Increases the elemental's attack power.
Or causes large water element damage on 1 target.

---- Wind Spirit Ventus Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned wind spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Gust : Increases damage of Lightning Bolt and Thunder Storm.

ii - Blast : Increases damage of electric walk.
Increases damage of Vartyr Spear.
Increases damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to wind property.

iii - Wild Storm : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto cast Lightning Bolt.
When casting Lightning Loader or Violent Gale, has a 50% chance of not consuming the Wind of Verdure or Yellow Gem.

[Protect Me]
i - Wind Step : When activated, teleports the summoner.  Increases the summoners movement speed and evasion for a period of time.

ii - Wind Curtain : Increases wind element resistance, lowers earth element resistance.

iii - Zephyr : Creates a barrier of wind around the summoner.  In this barrier, it increases evasion and blocks ranged attacks.  Also has a small chance to completely block phsyical and magic damage.

[Attack My Enemy]
i - Wind Slasher : Strikes a target at long range with a blade of wind, causing wind element damage and bleeding status.

ii - Hurricane Rage : Attacks a target at long range with wind element magic damage. 
Or deals physical damage to all targets nearby.

iii - Typhoon Missile : Attacks a target at long range with wind element damage. 
Or deals additional wind element magic damage and causes silence status.

---- Earth Spirit Terra Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned earth spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]

i - Petrology - Increases probability of Stone Curse.
Increases damage of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive skills.

ii - Cursed Soil - Cloud Kill Max damage increased.
Poison buster damage increased.
Earth Grave damage increased.
Psychic Wave damage increased.
Changed the elemental property of Psychic Wave to Earth.

iii - Upheaval : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance of autocasting Earth Spike.
When using Seismic Weapon has a 50% chance of not consuming the Yellow Live.

[Protect Me]

i - Solid Skin : Increases the defense and max HP of the summoner.

ii - Stone Shield : Increases Earth element resistance, lowers fire element resistance.

iii - Power of Gaia : Creates a barrier of earth around the summoner.
Within the barrier you cannot receive bleeding or petrification status.
For a fixed time increases Max HP and Defense, but lowers movement speed.

[Attack My Enemy]

i - Stone Hammer : Attacks a single target for earth element damage and causes stun status.

ii - Rock Launcher : Strikes a target with earth element damage and lowers their defense.
Or strikes a target with earth element magic damage and lowers movement speed.

iii - Stone Rain : Drops rocks down on a target dealing earth element damage to a target and targets nearby.
Or deals earth element damage and causes stun status.

Patch en inglés
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Patch en coreano
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-KRO: http://www.ragnarok.co.kr/news/viewNotice.asp?seqNo=4813&pnum=1&oSeqNo=4807&typ=&sKey=Title&sTxt=
-Doddler: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=49215
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 21:09 por Hiro »

Turtle NK

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Vidar Wolfheim

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Jonathan Delville

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Tengo Inmunidad a los NICE BOATS! gracias a Legión de Angeles º0º

Por otro lado, el incremento del share y la auto subida de prerrequisitos de skills suenan bien.

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm


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  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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No creo que sean una decepción en el tema de las skills y funcionamiento, es decir, joder, tendremos 36 nuevas skills por la jeta gracias a ellos, eso es mas de lo que tienen los homúnculos y los mercenarios, tendremos 12 buffs elementales, 12 ataques elementales y 12 skills defensivas extra.

El posible problema vendrá de la mano de los stats de los bichos, ya que como sean demasiado débiles, van a ser un estorbo o tendremos que usarlos en plan slave secundario en lugar de pokémon. Otro problema posible es que empleen el mismo tipo de AI que el mercenario, ya que los mercenarios, por ejemplo, no pueden reconocer tipos de monstruo, y por ello no se podrían crear tácticas de enemigos. Además, viendo el panorama de las skills de homúnculo, miedo me da la cantidad de bugs que pueden tener, esperemos que no.

En cuanto a las skills nuevas para el mismo Sorcerer, hay algunas cosas que ya se pueden entrever. Por ejemplo, Four Spirit Analysis es inútil en el sentido de que hace dos cosas que ya se hacían previamente por otros medios. Spirit Control y Elemental Action no deberían ser dos skills independientes. En lugar de que la primera te obligue a pasar por el modo pasivo cada vez que quieras cambiar de un modo u otro, debería funcionar de forma más simple: si usas un nivel distinto al que tienes activo lo pasa automáticamente, si usas el mismo, lo pasa a pasivo. Es una excusa barata para hacerte gastar puntos. Igual, Fire Insignia y Warmer se me hacen estúpidas. Fire Insignia recuperará HP también, así que tenemos dos skills de área que recuperan HP lentamente... No se yo que decir. Preferiría que Warmer fuera algo distinto.

Finalmente... La skill que sacrifica tu HP y SP para pasárselo al pokémon es algo dudosa... Esperemos a ver cuanto te chupa porque si no me veo que llevar una invocación a WoEs va a ser MUY caro, porque va a ser básicamente: le meten a tu pokémon, y o lo dejas morir y gastas un monton de items, o tú le curas, te vas quedando sin HP y SP y entonces al que zurran es a ti. Si es algo mas light, como Indulge, que cura más SP (en proporción) de lo que te quita de HP, todo genial.
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 00:02 por Darki »


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ps haber que sale... o salio, perdi la cuenta de cuantas horas son de diferencia xD
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Ps ahi sta, veamos que pex
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 15:01 por Berto »

Jonathan Delville

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Doddler Tradujo algunas de las skills de los Summons Spirits :o

---- Water Spirit Aqua Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned water spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Aqua Play : Increases cold bolt and Frost Diver damage.

ii - Cooler : Slightly increases the freezing chance of diamond dust.
Slightly increases the damage of Diamond Dust.
Slightly increases the damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to water.

iii - Cool Air : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto cast Cold Bolt.
Frost Weapon and Deluge skills have a 50% chance of not consuming a crystal blue/yellow gemstone.

[Protect Me]
i - Water Screen : Heals the summoner a set amount of HP.
For a short period of time damage will be redirected to the Aqua.

ii - Water Drop : Increases resistance to water property, while lowering your resistance to fire.

iii - Water Barrier : Generates a barrier around the caster of water. While in this barrier, physical and magic damage are reduced. However, evasion and attack power are also reduced.

[Attack my Target]
i - Ice Needle : Strikes a single target for water elemental magic damage.

ii - Water Screw : Strikes a single target for water elemental magic damage. All enemies near that target also take damage.

iii - Tidal Weapon : For a short period of time changes the summoner and the spirit's weapon to water property, and increases the elemental's attack power.

---- Fire Spirit Agni Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned fire spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Pyrotechnic : Increases damage of fire bolt and Fire Wall.

ii - Heater : Increases damage of fire walk.
Increases the heal of the Warmer skill a little.
Slightly increases damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to fire.

iii - Tropic : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto spell fire bolt.
Using Flame Launcher or Volcano have a 50% chance of not consuming a Red Blood or Yellow Gemstone.

[Protect Me]
i - Circle of Fire : Creates a circle of fire around the summoner, which causes damage to enemies who attack the summoner.

ii - Fire Cloak : Increases resistance to fire property attacks, lowers resistance to water property attacks.

iii - Fire Mantle : Creates a powerful firewall around the summoner.

[Attack My Enemy]
i - Fire Arrow : Fires a fire arrow at a single target dealing fire elemental damage.

ii - Fire Bomb : Fires a fire bomb at a target dealing fire elemental damage in an area around it. The target also takes fire elemental magic damage.

iii - Fire Wave : Fires a wave of fire at a target dealing fire elemental damage in an area around it. The target takes large fire elemental magic damage.


xD hahaha, Psychic Wave elemental... predigo otra revuelta de los Warlocks.
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 04:18 por Sousuke Sagara »

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm


  • Lord of Death
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- The maximum level difference for an even share party has increased from 10 levels to 15 levels.

- Improved the skill tree window usage.  Now when you click on a skill it will now automatically select all of the prerequisites that go along with it (if you have enough skill points).  Also, when mousing over a skill that has prerequisites, it will now show the required skill level of those prerequisites.

DiviniaRo: Solren [Thief - Lv.96/RO2], Solren [Job Changer Abuser - Lv.150/RO1]
signature by me

Jonathan Delville

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---- Wind Spirit Ventus Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned wind spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]
i - Gust : Increases damage of Lightning Bolt and Thunder Storm.

ii - Blast : Increases damage of electric walk.
Increases damage of Vartyr Spear.
Increases damage of Psychic Wave.
Changes the damage property of Psychic Wave to wind property.

iii - Wild Storm : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance to auto cast Lightning Bolt.
When casting Lightning Loader or Violent Gale, has a 50% chance of not consuming the Wind of Vedure or Yellow Gem.

[Protect Me]
i - Wind Step : When activated, teleports the summoner. Increases the summoners movement speed and evasion for a period of time.

ii - Wind Curtain : Increases wind element resistance, lowers earth element resistance.

iii - Zephyr : Creates a barrier of wind around the summoner. In this barrier, it increases evasion and blocks ranged attacks. Also has a small chance to completely block physical and magic damage.

[Attack My Enemy]
i - Wind Slasher : Strikes a target at long range with a blade of wind, causing wind element damage and bleeding status.

ii - Hurricane Rage : Attacks a target at long range with wind element magic damage. Deals physical damage to all targets nearby.

iii - Typhoon Missile : Attacks a target at long range with wind element damage. Also deals additional wind element magic damage and causes silence status.

---- Earth Spirit Terra Chapter ----

By ordering your summoned earth spirits using the "Spirit Control" ability, you can control what actions your spirit performs.

[Assist Me]

i - Petrology - Increases probability of Stone Curse.
Increases damage of Earth Spike and Heaven's Drive skills.

ii - Cursed Soil - Cloud Kill Max damage increased.
Poison buster damage increased.
Earth Grave damage increased.
Psychic Wave damage increased.
Changed the elemental property of Psychic Wave to Earth.

iii - Upheaval : When the summoner attacks, adds a chance of autocasting Earth Spike.
When using Seismic Weapon has a 50% chance of not consuming the Yellow Live.

[Protect Me]

i - Solid Skin : Increases the defense and max HP of the summoner.

ii - Stone Shield : Increases Earth element resistance, lowers fire element resistance.

iii - Power of Gaia : Creates a barrier of earth around the summoner.
Within the barrier you cannot receive bleeding or petrification status.
For a fixed time increases Max HP and Defense, but lowers movement speed.

[Attack My Enemy]

i - Stone Hammer : Attacks a single target for earth element damage and causes stun status.

ii - Rock Launcher : Strikes a target with earth element damage and lowers their defense.
Or strikes a target with earth element magic damage and lowers movement speed.

iii - Stone Rain : Drops rocks down on a target dealing earth element damage to a target and targets nearby.
Or deals earth element damage and causes stun status.
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 04:34 por Sousuke Sagara »

In the Stinking Basemant, three levels below the Wyrm

Vidar Wolfheim

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O_O que hago perdiendo el tiempo D:< mi sage aun no es profe >_< menos sorc me apresuro los summons parecen buenos complementos para build battle O_O *w*


  • Soldier Skeleton
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wow,..... buenisimos.....
en pasivo:
-fortalecen los conjuros basicos; hacen que la alfombra y endow puedan no gastar item y hacen q la psychic wave sea elemental (y más fuerte)

en defensa:
-una barrera de cada elemento, con diversos efectos segun el elemento
-defender más contra el elemento propio, pero menos con su debilidad
-una buff q se activa

en ataque
-un ataque a un blanco, uno en area y otro q puede ser varias cosas....

ahora..... ¿las barreras solo afectan al sorcerer? ¿o tambien a su party?


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Lolz, Psychic Wave se convierte en skill elemental. No tengo palabras. Me parece contradictorio en muchas cosas, pero lo que sí veo es el tema de las skills destinadas a Battle... Ahora simplemente no tengo ni idea qué bicho pillarme, quizás deba plantearme simplemente pillar todos los summons y ver como va el tema autocast...

Estoy contento, pero habrá que verlos ingame en un rato. xD


  • Moonlight
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Lolz, Psychic Wave se convierte en skill elemental. No tengo palabras. Me parece contradictorio en muchas cosas
ni que lo digas completamente de acuerdo xd

por otro lado el sistema me gusta (hasta ahora) solo eh tenido la oportunidad de sacar el agni grande xD.
al Spirit control le subieron un nivel ahora siendo el Maximo 4 alguien  sabe que hace?

Pregunta: no se a sabido de algun shortcut como alt+ algo en el que se pueda ver el hp/sp del summon?

Psdata: muy buenos sprites la verdad muy detallados,y ademas los sprites vienen con nuevos effectos incluidos este efecto de agni me llamo mucho la atencion, la animacion del fuego es muy wena =0
« Última modificación: 14 de Abril de 2010, 17:55 por Conrad »


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Por la noche actualizare el primer post.