WoE 19 Octubre


  • Poring
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Los guardias de woe2 "son como los de thor", es decir, no vale la migao card, debería ser con alice al ser boss. De todas formas no lanzan skills de lejos, así que un pj con agi puede moverlo a algún lugar que no moleste (tampoco cambian de objetivo si se cruzan con alguien). Lo mejor es aparcarlos donde no molesten xD.

I may still have some secret sides you have never seen, which no one in the world knows


  • Poring
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Hablan bien de nosotros en iroWiki

Cita de: Copyright;286664
Cita de: Tychon;286656
Oh yeah! I was so negative with my last post I forgot to mention the good things! I wanted to say good job to Valkyrie server for a well played WoE. There was a total of 10 different guilds holding castles. Thats awesome. I hope that even more hold a castle next WoE. I know that RageQuit and Praetorium Bellatores had fairly decent precasts.


@Seraphatia: I will give you a Dragon Slayer to join Valkyrie ^^


Rune Nifielheim has a decent precast as well. 2-3 wizzies, 2-3 bards spamming frost joke, I think I saw a dancer, couple sins, dunno how many priests I died before I could scout all their classes. They're econing brit 4. they've held it the last 2 woes /ok


  • Thanatos
    • Mensajes: 589
  • Spam Hunter
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    • Wanderer Life - Walk, lot of it
Es bueno saber que la guild se esta siendo reconocida como una buena Guild.

De nuevo felicito a todos los miembros por su dedicacion y su excelente trabajo.


  • Poring
    • Mensajes: 2
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Hablan bien de nosotros en iroWiki

Cita de: Copyright;286664
Cita de: Tychon;286656
Oh yeah! I was so negative with my last post I forgot to mention the good things! I wanted to say good job to Valkyrie server for a well played WoE. There was a total of 10 different guilds holding castles. Thats awesome. I hope that even more hold a castle next WoE. I know that RageQuit and Praetorium Bellatores had fairly decent precasts.


@Seraphatia: I will give you a Dragon Slayer to join Valkyrie ^^


Rune Nifielheim has a decent precast as well. 2-3 wizzies, 2-3 bards spamming frost joke, I think I saw a dancer, couple sins, dunno how many priests I died before I could scout all their classes. They're econing brit 4. they've held it the last 2 woes /ok

joasjoas ¿sabes quien es ese? el asesino que estaba convenciendo de que no nos atacara. Me dijo que  mejor ni lo intentaba en nuestro casti, y le dije que el de Inertia estaba vacío (es uno en el que dejan un char vigilando y cuando alguien aparece en el empe van cagando leches a defender joasjoas)