16/12/2009 - Mantenimiento

Hiro · 62 · 23694


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Common Patch

- La quest "Niflheim Survivor Quest" ha sido actualizada para ser compatible con jugadores superiores al nivel 100.

- La Paradaise Group Quest "Terrifyng Marionette" a sido reemplazada con "Boar Subjugation Quest".

- Se ha corregido un problema con la Varita de 2 Manos [Chronos]'s, otorgaba SP y no HP.

- Corregido el boton para enviar un mensaje a la lista de amigos, abria la nueva ventana para crear correos.

- Cuando ingresabas tu contraseña para eliminar tu personaje, tienes que dar enter por cada personaje que tu elimines.

- Arreglado un Problema que al usar la Skill de Arch Bishop [Highness Heal]
contra un Monstruo tipo Undead que podia ser bloqueado con Pneuma.

- La skill de Wanderer/Minstrel "Circle of Natures Sound" ha sido cambiada solamente para ser usada en mapas PVP/Siege o mapas en donde los jugadores puedan atacar a otros.

- Cambiada la posicion de la Estatua de Bronze en el Centro de Brasilis.
- Cambiado algunos items encontrados dentro del Museo en Brasilis.

Main Servers

- Iniciado el Evento T-PLUS Netcafe.

- Corregido un problema con las armas de gunslinger, no podian atacar al cambiar de mapa.

- Corregido un problema con el arreglo del Bonus de ASPD en los items y se actualizo la descripcion del Alcabringer y Masamune.

- Corregido los mensajes incorrectos sobre el lider de la party si este había cambiado.

- Corregido la opción de la Alice Card relacionada con el ataque mágico.

- Corregido la opción de la Absmak Knight card que no funcionaba con la skill "Asura Strike".

Sakray Server

- Corregido un problema con el servicio de la Mano de Gato.

- Corregido un problema con la quest de EL Descates "Magic Horn Gathering".

- Arreglado un problema donde no se obtenia "Small Bradium Fragment".

-Corregido altunos textos incorrectos con las nuevas quests.

- The following minstrel/wanderer skills have been updated to work with both instrument/whips. (Ensemble skills can only be invoked with a instrument/whip equipped).

- Las siguientes Skill de Minstrel/Wanderer han sido actualizadas para funcionar ambas con Instrumentos/Latigos Equipados.

Wanderer Skills
* Swing Dance
* Symphony of Lovers
* Moonlit Serenade

Minstrel Skills

* Windmill Rush
* Echo Song
* Harmonize

Skills Comunes
* Song of Hades
* Voice of Siren
* Valley of Death
* Deep Sleep Lullaby
* Circle of Natures Sound
* Day of Melancholy

Skills en Conjunto
* Song of Mana
* Dancing with Wolves
* Sound of Destruction
* Saturday Night Fever
* Leraids Dew
* Melody of Sink
* Warcry of the Battlefield
* Unlimited Humming Voice

- Cambiado el Spawn de los nuevos Monstruos del Episodio 13.3:

* Kamidal Tunnel (dic_dun01): Añadido One-Horn Scaraba Egg, Two-Horn Scaraba Egg.
* Scaraba Hole (dic_dun02): Añadido Antler Scaraba Egg, Rake Scaraba Egg.

Unnoficial Patch

New equipment:

1196: Chrome Metal Two-Hand Sword
A cold, blue color sword crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Cannot be damaged.
AGI + 3, MaxHP - 10%.
Type: Two-Hand Sword
Attack: 280
Weight: 40
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 110
Usable Jobs: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant Type

1433: Imperial_Spear [1]
A beautiful spear with the Rune Kingdom Insignia engraved on it.
Increases damage of Cannon Spear and Vanishing Point by 20%.  Every 2 refine increases the damage by an additional 3%.
When used in combination with the Imperial Guard, Grand Cross and Ray of Genesis damage + 10%.
MATK + 40
Type: One-Hand Spear
Attack: 180
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Royal Guard Only

1654: Mental Stick [1]
A staff that converts physical power into psychic energy.
Reduces psychic wave variable cast time by 3 seconds, but increases the cost of psychic wave by 60 sp.
Each refine above +6 increases the skill's attack power by 2%.
When unequipping the weapon, you lose 100sp.
MATK + 170.
Type: One Hand Staff
Attack: 40
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Sorcerer Only

1830: Great King's Dance [1]
A flashy knuckle carved from a gold dragon.
Increases Earth Shaker and Sky Net Blow damage by 20%. Decreases the SP cost of all skills by 5%.
Each refine above +6 decreases the SP cost of skills by an additional 1%.
Type: Knuckle
Attack: 142
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Sura Only

1930: Green Whistle [1]
A wind instrument crafted from the solid trunk of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of Deep Sleep Lullaby and Windmill Rush by 2 seconds.
For each refine above +6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
MATK + 50.
Type: Instrument
Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required LeveL: 102
Required Job: Minstrel Only

1984: Stem Whip [1]
A whip crafted from the flexible stem of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of Deep Sleep Lullaby and Swing Dance by 2 seconds.
For each refine above + 6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
Type: Whip
Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Wanderer Only

1985: Rose Vine
A whip created from a magically enchanted rose that radiates the smell of roses.
When dealing physical damage there is a chance to trigger Voice of Siren Lv 1.
INT + 2, AGI - 2, MATK + 130.
Type: Whip
Attack: 100
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Wanderer Only

2153: Imperial Guard [1]
A beautiful shield with the insignia of the Rune Kingdom engraved.
MDEF + 5.
Increases shield press damage by 20%.  Each refine above +6 increases the skill attack power by an additional 2%.
Type: Shield
Defense: 120
Weight: 250
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Royal Guard Only

2465: Dance Shoes [1]
Comfortable shoes designed specifically for dancing.
AGI + 1, Increases attack speed (Attack Delay - 2%).
Reduces the sp cost of Swing Dance by 32SP.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 15
Weight: 30
Required Level: 105
Required Job: Wanderer Only

4853: Telekinetic Orb
A sphere that contains a magic liquid that holds a mysterious magic power.
INT + 3, MDEF + 1, MaxSP + 30.
Increases attack power of Psychic Wave by 10%.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 2
Weight: 20
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Any 3rd Job

2854: Gloves of Alchemy
Magic gloves made for handling burning hot materials and corrosive chemicals, smells a bit like burnt charcoal.
INT + 1, MDEF + 2.
Increases the attack power of Crimson Rock and Fire Walk by 10%.
When dealing magic damage there's a low chance to autocast Fireball level 5.
Type: Accessory
Defense: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 125
Required Job: Any 3rd Job

13061: Black Wing [1]
A black serated dagger crafted by the rogue guild.
Increases the damage of Fatal Menace by 30%.  Each refine increases the skill damage by 2% and MATK by 3%.
If used in combination with the Black Cat, HIT + 5, MATK + 5, reduces the SP cost of Masquerade: Enervation and Gloomy by 20 sp.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 142
Weight: 60
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Shadow Chaser Only

13062: Ancient Dagger
A dagger used in ancient rituals, it feels as though it holds a mysterious power.
MATK + 120, MaxSP + 100, SP Recovery Rate + 5%.
When dealing physical or magical damage there's a low chance to receive the curse status.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 107
Weight: 60
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 120
Required Job: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant/Thief/Archer/Mage Type

13431: Chrome Metal Sword
A cold blue dagger crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Cannot be damaged.
AGI + 1, MaxHP - 5%.
Type: Sword
Attack Power: 180
Weight: 220
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant Type

16010: Red Ether Bag [1]
A new bag created by the Alchemist Society that "A weapon girls love!"
Increases damage of Crazy Weed and Demonic Fire by 20%.  Each refine above +6 increases the skill damage by an additional 2%.
MATK + 100
Type: Mace
Attack: 15
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Genetic Only

18103: Mystic Bow
A small bow infused with a mysterious power.
Reduces the SP cost of Severe Rainstorm by 10 sp.
INT + 4, MATK + 100.
Type: Bow
Attack: 75
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 105
Required Job: 3rd Job Archer Type

Algunos de estos items son dropeados por los nuevos monstruos (ver abajo):

One Horned Scarab: Imperial_Spear [1]
Two Horned Scarab: Black Wing [1]
Dolomedes: Stem Whip[1]
Antler Scaraba: Green Whistle[1]
Rake Scaraba: Red Ether Bag[1]
Rake Scaraba Egg: Imperial Guard[1]
Draco: Dragon Vest[1]
Queen Scaraba: Mystic Bow


One-Horn Scaraba
Two-Horn Scaraba
Antler Scaraba
Rake Scaraba
Scaraba Queen
One-Horn Scaraba Egg
Two-Horn Scaraba Egg
Antler Scaraba Egg
Rake Scaraba Egg

Todos los huevos dan 4000 exp y 3000 jexp menos el rojo con 2 cuernos que da 6358 exp y 5004 jexp.

Item Art:

Patch en inglés

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Patch en coreano

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-KRO: http://www.ragnarok.co.kr/news/viewNotice.asp?seqNo=4660&pnum=1&oSeqNo=4659&typ=&sKey=Title&sTxt=
-Doddler: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=39095
« Última modificación: 19 de Diciembre de 2009, 16:08 por Hiro »


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Mugre Doddler.. se quedo dormido...

Ok.. espero que no sea que los dopes de wanderer/ministrel solo se puedan utilizar con látigo/instrumento musical  :correllorando:

Vidar Wolfheim

  • Atros
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no entendi ni pikachu o_o TE MALDIGO GOOGLE bueno hiro gracias por tu esfuerso n_nU


  • Moderador Global
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- Algunas misiones serán modificadas por la OTA.

NOOOOOOOOOO, no podremos aparcar el coche mientras hacemos las quests, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

xDDDDDDDDD lo que me he podido reir con esta frase.

Para los que no lo sepan OTA = Ordenanza de Tráfico y Aparcamiento


  • Sea Otter
    • Mensajes: 48
  • メキシコは吸う!
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- Algunas misiones serán modificadas por la OTA.

NOOOOOOOOOO, no podremos aparcar el coche mientras hacemos las quests, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

xDDDDDDDDD lo que me he podido reir con esta frase.

Para los que no lo sepan OTA = Ordenanza de Tráfico y Aparcamiento

M O R I ! XD

Ocupando un poco de raciocinio ( bien poco diría yo xD ) deduje:

Brazil's statue of leasing the town center has been changed.

la cambiaron? :S

- Wondeoreo / minstrel common seukilin "cycle of nature sounds" player that PVP and siege maepdeung

Esta skill no se puede usar en PVP ni en Endless(?)

Sobre el Sakray Test, ahora las canciones de los Minstrel / Wanderer requieren un instrumento / látigo. (?) o se balanceo algo con esto (?).. aa mi cerebro xD @.@
« Última modificación: 15 de Diciembre de 2009, 21:49 por xKimimaro ~ »



  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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- Algunas misiones serán modificadas por la OTA.

NOOOOOOOOOO, no podremos aparcar el coche mientras hacemos las quests, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO

xDDDDDDDDD lo que me he podido reir con esta frase.

Para los que no lo sepan OTA = Ordenanza de Tráfico y Aparcamiento

.. que venga!!!!,  después de pasarme un alto durante la prueba de manejo y aun asi pasarla, que venga!!!

aa mi cerebro xD @.@

Mejor espera a la Doddler traducción


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2496
  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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Mugre Doddler.. se quedo dormido...

Ok.. espero que no sea que los dopes de wanderer/ministrel solo se puedan utilizar con látigo/instrumento musical  :correllorando:

Tiene TODA LA PINTA de que han hecho eso.


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Doddler desperto!

Cita de: Doddler
Common Patch

- "Niflheim Survivor Quest" has been updated to be completable by players above level 100.
- The Paradise Group Quest "Terrifying Marionette" replaced with "Boar Subjugation" quest.

- The two-hand staff [Chronos]'s option was corrected to give SP and not HP.
- Corrected the send message button on the friends list opening the new mail creation window.
- When inputting your password to delete your character, you have to enter it for each character you delete.

- Fixed an issue that when using the Arch Bishop skill [Highness Heal] against an undead that it could be blocked with pneuma.

- The wanderer/minstrel skill "Circle of Natures Sound" has been changed to only be usable in PVP/Siege maps or maps where players can attack each other.

- Changed the Bronze Statue in the center of Brasilis.
- Changed some of the items found inside of the Brasilis Museum.

Main Servers

- Added the T-PLUS Netcafe Event.

- Corrected an issue with gunslingers changing weapons that when changing maps you would be unable to attack.

- Corrected an issue with fixed attack speed bonus items, and updated the descriptions of Alcabringer and Masamune.

- The party leader confirmation message will only show for the party leader after leadership has been changed. (Currently it shows every time the party leader teleports.)

- Corrected the Alice Card option not working for magic attacks.
- Corrected the Abysmal Knight card option to work for the skill "Asura Strike".

Sakray Server

- Corrected an issue with the Cat Hand Service warp items being unviewable.
- Corrected an issue with the El Descates quest "Magic Horn Gathering".
- Fixed an issue where you could not obtain "Small Bradium Fragment".
- Corrected some text issues with the new quests.

- The following minstrel/wanderer skills have been updated to work with both instrument/whips. (Ensemble skills can only be invoked with a instrument/whip equipped).

Wanderer Skills
* Swing Dance
* Symphony of Lovers
* Moonlit Serenade

Minstrel Skills
* Windmill Rush
* Echo Song
* Harmonize

Common Skills
* Song of Hades
* Voice of Siren
* Valley of Death
* Deep Sleep Lullaby
* Circle of Natures Sound
* Day of Melancholy

Ensemble Skills
* Song of Mana
* Dancing with Wolves
* Sound of Destruction
* Saturday Night Fever
* Leraids Dew
* Melody of Sink
* Warcry of the Battlefield
* Unlimited Humming Voice

- The following episode 13.3 regions have had their monster spawns changed.

* Kamidal Tunnel (dic_dun01): Added One-Horn Scaraba Egg, Two-Horn Scaraba Egg.
* Scaraba Hole (dic_dun02): Added Antler Scaraba Egg, Rake Scaraba Egg.

Voy a llorar T-T



  • Sea Otter
    • Mensajes: 48
  • メキシコは吸う!
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Common Patch

- La quest "Niflheim Survivor Quest" ha sido actualizada para ser compatible con jugadores superiores al nivel 100.

- La Paradaise Group Quest "Terrifyng Marionette" a sido reemplazada con "Boar Subjugation Quest".

- Se ha corregido un problema con la Varita de 2 Manos [Chronos]'s, otorgaba SP y no HP.

- Corregido el boton para enviar un mensaje a la lista de amigos, abria la nueva ventana para crear correos.

- Cuando ingresabas tu contraseña para eliminar tu personaje, tienes que dar enter por cada personaje que tu elimines.

- Arreglado un Problema que al usar la Skill de Arch Bishop [Highness Heal]
contra un Monstruo tipo Undead que podia ser bloqueado con Pneuma.

- La skill de Wanderer/Minstrel "Circle of Natures Sound" ha sido cambiada solamente para ser usada en mapas PVP/Siege o mapas en donde los jugadores puedan atacar a otros.

- Cambiada la posicion de la Estatua de Bronze en el Centro de Brasilis.
- Cambiado algunos items encontrados dentro del Museo en Brasilis.

Main Servers

- Iniciado el Evento T-PLUS Netcafe.

- Corregido un problema con las armas de gunslinger, no podian atacar al cambiar de mapa.

- Corregido un problema con el arreglo del Bonus de ASPD en los items y se actualizo la descripcion del Alcabringer y Masamune.

- Corregido los mensajes incorrectos sobre el lider de la party si este había cambiado.

- Corregido la opción de la Alice Card relacionada con el ataque mágico.

- Corregido la opción de la Absmak Knight card que no funcionaba con la skill "Asura Strike".

Sakray Server

- Corregido un problema con el servicio de la Mano de Gato.

- Corregido un problema con la quest de EL Descates "Magic Horn Gathering".

- Arreglado un problema donde no se obtenia "Small Bradium Fragment".

-Corregido altunos textos incorrectos con las nuevas quests.

- The following minstrel/wanderer skills have been updated to work with both instrument/whips. (Ensemble skills can only be invoked with a instrument/whip equipped).

- Las siguientes Skill de Minstrel/Wanderer han sido actualizadas para funcionar ambas con Instrumentos/Latigos Equipados.

Wanderer Skills
* Swing Dance
* Symphony of Lovers
* Moonlit Serenade

Minstrel Skills

* Windmill Rush
* Echo Song
* Harmonize

Skills Comunes
* Song of Hades
* Voice of Siren
* Valley of Death
* Deep Sleep Lullaby
* Circle of Natures Sound
* Day of Melancholy

Skills en Conjunto
* Song of Mana
* Dancing with Wolves
* Sound of Destruction
* Saturday Night Fever
* Leraids Dew
* Melody of Sink
* Warcry of the Battlefield
* Unlimited Humming Voice

- Cambiado el Spawn de los nuevos Monstruos del Episodio 13.3:

* Kamidal Tunnel (dic_dun01): Añadido One-Horn Scaraba Egg, Two-Horn Scaraba Egg.
* Scaraba Hole (dic_dun02): Añadido Antler Scaraba Egg, Rake Scaraba Egg.



  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Si... los dopes mencionados solo funcionan si tienes equipado látigo/instrumento (o al menos  nos e pueden iniciar, no sé si cambiando el arma se corte la skill)

Ok, dentro de dos días entrare en modo NEET: primera misión, hacer otra wanderer, dado que con esta actualización necesito vulcan arrow al menos para poder defenderme...

EDIT: Más info (unofficial patch!)

(Cortesía de Doddler y Coglon)

-Equipo nuevo para tercera clase:
1196: Chrome Metal Two-Hand Sword
A cold, blue color sword crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Cannot be damaged.
AGI + 3, MaxHP - 10%.
Type: Two-Hand Sword
Attack: 280
Weight: 40
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 110
Usable Jobs: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant Type

1433: Imperial_Spear [1]
A beautiful spear with the Rune Kingdom Insignia engraved on it.
Increases damage of Cannon Spear and Vanishing Point by 20%. Every 2 refine increases the damage by an additional 3%.
When used in combination with the Imperial Guard, Grand Cross and Ray of Genesis damage + 10%.
MATK + 40
Type: One-Hand Spear
Attack: 180
Weight: 180
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Royal Guard Only

1654: Mental Stick [1]
A staff that converts physical power into psychic energy.
(Effect appears to be missing)
Type: One Hand Staff
Attack: 40
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Sorcerer Only

1830: Great King's Dance [1]
A flashy knuckle carved from a gold dragon.
(Effect appears to be missing)
Type: Knuckle
Attack: 142
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Sura Only

1930: Green Whistle [1]
A wind instrument crafted from the solid trunk of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of Deep Sleep Lullaby and Windmill Rush by 2 seconds.
For each refine above +6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
MATK + 50.
Type: Instrument
Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required LeveL: 102
Required Job: Minstrel Only

1984: Stem Whip [1]
A whip crafted from the flexible stem of a plant.
Decreases the variable casting time of Deep Sleep Lullaby and Swing Dance by 2 seconds.
For each refine above + 6, decreases the SP cost of those skills by 4 sp.
Type: Whip
Attack: 170
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Wanderer Only

1985: Rose Vine
A whip created from a magically enchanted rose that radiates the smell of roses.
When dealing physical damage there is a chance to trigger Voice of Siren Lv 1.
INT + 2, AGI - 2, MATK + 130.
Type: Whip
Attack: 100
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Wanderer Only

2153: Imperial Guard [1]
A beautiful shield with the ensignia of the Rune Kingdom ingraved.
MDEF + 5.
Increases shield press damage by 20%. Each refine above +6 increases the skill attack power by an additional 2%.
Type: Shield
Defense: 120
Weight: 250
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Royal Guard Only

2465: Dance Shoes [1]
Comfortable shoes designed specifically for dancing.
AGI + 1, Increases attack speed (Attack Delay - 2%).
Reduces the sp cost of Swing Dance by 32SP.
Type: Shoes
Defense: 15
Weight: 30
Required Level: 105
Required Job: Wanderer Only

4853: Telekenetic Orb
A sphere that cointains a magic liquid that grants holds a mysterious magic power.
(Effect appears to be missing)
Type: Accessory
Defense: 2
Weight: 20
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Any 3rd Job

2854: Glove of Alchemy
Magic gloves made for handling corrosive chemicals, smells a bit like charcoal.
(Effect appears to be missing)
Type: Accessory
Defense: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 125
Required Job: Any 3rd Job

13061: Black Wing [1]
A black seraded dagger crafted by the rogue guild.
Increases the damage of Fatal Menace by 30%. Each refine increases the skill damage by 2% and MATK by 3%.
If used in combination with the Black Cat, HIT + 5, MATK + 5, reduces the SP cost of Mascarade: Inovation and Gloomy by 20 sp.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 142
Weight: 60
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Shadow Chaser Only

13062: Ancient Dagger
A dagger used in ancient rituals, it feels as though it holds a mysterious power.
MATK + 120, MaxSP + 100, SP Recovery Rate + 5%.
When dealing physical or magical damage there's a low chance to receive the curse status.
Type: Dagger
Attack: 107
Weight: 60
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 120
Required Job: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant/Thief/Archer/Mage Type

13431: Chrome Metal Sword
A cold blue dagger crafted from the other world mineral Bradium.
Cannot be damaged.
AGI + 1, MaxHP - 5%.
Type: Sword
Attack Power: 180
Weight: 220
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 110
Required Job: Transcend Swordsman/Merchant Type

16010: Red Ether Bag [1]
A new bag created by the Alchemist Society that "A weapon girls love!"
Increases damage of Crazy Weed and Demonic Fire by 20%. Each refine above +6 increases the skill damage by an additional 2%.
MATK + 100
Type: Mace
Attack: 15
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Genetic Only

18103: Mystic Bow
A small bow infused with a mysterious power.
Reduces the SP cost of Severe Rainstorm by 10 sp.
INT + 4, MATK + 100.
Type: Bow
Attack: 75
Weight: 170
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 105
Required Job: 3rd Job Archer Type

Nueva imagen del nuevo MVP de El discates

Queen Scaraba

« Última modificación: 16 de Diciembre de 2009, 05:39 por Crossheart »


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2496
  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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Con esa boss ya tenemos a Asterix y Obelix versión Maya. xD

2854: Glove of Alchemy
Magic gloves made for handling corrosive chemicals, smells a bit like charcoal.
(Effect appears to be missing)
Type: Accessory
Defense: 1
Weight: 10
Required Level: 125
Required Job: Any 3rd Job

16010: Red Ether Bag [1]
A new bag created by the Alchemist Society that "A weapon girls love!"
Increases damage of Crazy Weed and Demonic Fire by 20%. Each refine above +6 increases the skill damage by an additional 2%.
MATK + 100
Type: Mace
Attack: 15
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 102
Required Job: Genetic Only

Mi genetic se frota las manos. xD


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Darki.. esa nueva bolsa... la única gracia son los 100 d matk...

Ajá, el gene tiene varias skills que se basan en matk, pero Crazy Weed, que es una de las skills que aumenta el daño no es una de ellas... lo cual viene siendo un bonus ridiculo (al menos debieron haber puesto Spore explosión en lugar de esta)

Y ese glove.. es para uso de todos...


  • Yoyo
    • Mensajes: 17
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Me encanto el sprite de la MVP, le da un cierto aire a maya mvp, pero nada, que me ha encantado.
Espero que los datos de los equipos que faltan salgan pronto, me dan buenas vibraciones.


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2496
  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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Darki.. esa nueva bolsa... la única gracia son los 100 d matk...

Ajá, el gene tiene varias skills que se basan en matk, pero Crazy Weed, que es una de las skills que aumenta el daño no es una de ellas... lo cual viene siendo un bonus ridiculo (al menos debieron haber puesto Spore explosión en lugar de esta)

Y ese glove.. es para uso de todos...

No pises mis ilusiones :<

El destino ha querido que debas hacerte una wanderer renacida para darme MC Mwahahahahahahah!!! >:D


  • Sea Otter
    • Mensajes: 45
  • Don't say lazy
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    • TsukiRO