Dragon Combo (Twin Dragon)
Max Lv: 10
Prereq: Trifecta Blow 5
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Rapidly strikes a single target with two blows. The skill Fallen Empire can be used in combination with Dragon Combo.
[Level 1]: Attack Power 200% / Stun Chance 2%
[Level 2]: Attack Power 220% / Stun Chance 3%
[Level 3]: Attack Power 240% / Stun Chance 4%
[Level 4]: Attack Power 260% / Stun Chance 5%
[Level 5]: Attack Power 280% / Stun Chance 6%
[Level 6]: Attack Power 300% / Stun Chance 7%
[Level 7]: Attack Power 320% / Stun Chance 8%
[Level 8]: Attack Power 340% / Stun Chance 9%
[Level 9]: Attack Power 360% / Stun Chance 10%
[Level 10]: Attack Power 380% / Stun Chance 11%
Sky Net Blow
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Dragon Combo 3
Type: Active / Damage
Description: A spinning blow that kicks up a storm, dealing damage to all targets in an area and throwing them back 3 cells.
When using the skill, it consumes 1 spirit sphere. The user's AGI stat increases the damage.
[Level 1]: Attack Power 200%
[Level 2]: Attack Power 250%
[Level 3]: Attack Power 300%
[Level 4]: Attack Power 350%
[Level 5]: Attack Power 400%
Earth Shaker
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Dragon Combo 1 / Cursed Circle 1
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Sends a shockwave through the ground which damages all targets in a 11 x 11 area, dealing additional damage against hidden targets.
Targets in Hiding, Cloaking, etc will be revealed when hit. Consumes 1 spirit sphere.
[Level 1]: Attack Power 100% / 300%
[Level 2]: Attack Power 150% / 450%
[Level 3]: Attack Power 200% / 600%
[Level 4]: Attack Power 250% / 750%
[Level 5]: Attack Power 300% / 900%
Rampage Blaster (Explosive Spirit Shot)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Earthshaker Lv 2
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Consumes all of your spirit spheres and deals damage to all enemies in a 7 x 7 cell radius. The number of spirit spheres increases your damage.
[Level 1]: Attack Power = Spirit Spheres Used x 50%
[Level 2]: Attack Power = Spirit Spheres Used x 100%
[Level 3]: Attack Power = Spirit Spheres Used x 150%
[Level 4]: Attack Power = Spirit Spheres Used x 200%
[Level 5]: Attack Power = Spirit Spheres Used x 250%
Knuckle Arrow (Shura Body Bullet)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Lightning Walk 3 / Rampage Blaster 3
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Instantly closes the distance between you and a target, dealing damage and throwing the target back. When the target is knocked back, if they collide with a wall or obstacle, they take additional damage. Consumes 2 spirit spheres when used.
[Level 1]: Attack Power 200% / Knockback Damage 150% + Bonus
[Level 2]: Attack Power 300% / Knockback Damage 300% + Bonus
[Level 3]: Attack Power 400% / Knockback Damage 450% + Bonus
[Level 4]: Attack Power 500% / Knockback Damage 600% + Bonus
[Level 5]: Attack Power 600% / Knockback Damage 750% + Bonus
Fallen Empire
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Dragon Combo
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Use your shoulders and fists to do an upwards blow to deal large damage to a single enemy. The enemy takes additional damage if the target is heavier. After receiving damage the target is unable to move for a short period of time. Fallen Empire can only be used after Dragon Combo. After fallen empire, Tiger Cannon and Gate of Hell can be used.
[Level 1]: Attack Power 250% / 0.5s Immobility
[Level 2]: Attack Power 400% / 1.0s Immobility
[Level 3]: Attack Power 550% / 1.5s Immobility
[Level 4]: Attack Power 700% / 2.0s Immobility
[Level 5]: Attack Power 850% / 2.5s Immobility
Tiger Cannon
Max Lv: 10
Prereq: Fallen Empire 3
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Consumes your own HP and SP to deal damage ot the target's HP and SP. The more HP and SP used, the more damage it does. Consumes 2 spirit spheres. Can only be used in Fury state. When used after Fallen Empire, it does additional damage.
[Level 1]: User's HP used 2% / SP 1%
[Level 2]: User's HP used 4% / SP 2%
[Level 3]: User's HP used 6% / SP 3%
[Level 4]: User's HP used 8% / SP 4%
[Level 5]: User's HP used 10% / SP 5%
[Level 6]: User's HP used 12% / SP 6%
[Level 7]: User's HP used 14% / SP 7%
[Level 8]: User's HP used 16% / SP 8%
[Level 9]: User's HP used 18% / SP 9%
[Level 10]: User's HP used 20% / SP 10%
Gate of Hell (Rakshasa Phoenix Destruction Fist)
Max Lv: 10
Prereq: Rising Dragon 5 / Tiger Cannon 5
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Can only be used while in Fury state. Instantly strikes a target with countless blows. The more spirit spheres you have, and the lower the caster's HP, the more damage it does. The skill consumes 30% of your Max SP and all of your spirit spheres. Can be used after Fallen Empire, and when used this way the SP consumption is reduced by 10% and the damage slightly increased.
Crescent Elbow
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Sky Net Blow 5
Type: Active / Counter
Description: Attempt to counter an enemies attack, knocking back the opponent and dealing damage, though you'll still take damage. The higher the HP of the target, the more damage it does. The skill consumes 2 spirit spheres, and cannot be used on boss monsters.
[Level 1]: Probability 24%
[Level 2]: Probability 27%
[Level 3]: Probability 30%
[Level 4]: Probability 33%
[Level 5]: Probability 36%
Max Lv: 1
Prereq: Cursed Circle 1
Type: Active / Damage
Description: A low to the ground spinning kick that damages targets in a 5x5 area and forces them to use [/sit]. Will stun monsters for 1-4 seconds. Does not work on boss monsters.
Cursed Circle
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Root 2, Pressure Point - Silence 2
Type: Active / Special
Description: Creates an area 5x5 cells around the caster where all enemies cannot move or attack, and become silenced for the duration of the skill. If the user of cursed circle uses any other skill, cursed circle immediately ends. The skill consumes 1 spirit sphere.
[Level 1]: 5s Duration
[Level 2]: 6s Duration
[Level 3]: 7s Duration
[Level 4]: 8s Duration
[Level 5]: 9s Duration
Lightning Walk
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Windmill 1
Type: Active Toggle / Special
Description: When targeted with a ranged or magic attack (targeted magic only), instead of taking damage you immediately jump at high speeds to the attacker. When using the skill, it consumes some HP, and drains some SP each second. When the skill activates, the status effect ends.
[Level 1]: HP Consumed 5% / 3 SP per second drain / 30% chance of activating
[Level 2]: HP Consumed 4% / 3 SP per second drain / 35% chance of activating
[Level 3]: HP Consumed 3% / 2 SP per second drain / 40% chance of activating
[Level 4]: HP Consumed 2% / 2 SP per second drain / 45% chance of activating
[Level 5]: HP Consumed 1% / 1 SP per second drain / 50% chance of activating
Raising Dragon
Max Lv: 10
Prereq: Rampage Blaster 3 / Pressure Point - Energy Gain 3
Type: Active / Buff
Description: Temporarily releases your mind and spirit, allowing you to gather more spirit spheres, increase your max HP and SP and improves your attack speed. During the duration of this skill you'll remain in Fury state. When using the skill, it will slowly drain your HP each second. If your HP gets too low, the skill effect will cancel.
[Level 1]: Max Spirit Spheres 6 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 3% / Duration 30s
[Level 2]: Max Spirit Spheres 7 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 4% / Duration 45s
[Level 3]: Max Spirit Spheres 8 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 5% / Duration 60s
[Level 4]: Max Spirit Spheres 9 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 6% / Duration 75s
[Level 5]: Max Spirit Spheres 10 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 7% / Duration 90s
[Level 6]: Max Spirit Spheres 11 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 8% / Duration 105s
[Level 7]: Max Spirit Spheres 12 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 9% / Duration 120s
[Level 8]: Max Spirit Spheres 13 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 10% / Duration 135s
[Level 9]: Max Spirit Spheres 14 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 11% / Duration 150s
[Level 10]: Max Spirit Spheres 15 / MaxHP, MaxSP + 12% / Duration 165s
Howling of Lion
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Assimilate Power 1 / Ride In Lightening 3
Type: Active / Damage (Special)
Description: Lets out a deep, deafening roar that damages all targets around you and causes the status effect Fear. If the targets in range were under the effect of a Minstrel or Wanderer song, that effect is removed.
[Level 1]: Radius 5 cells / Attack Power 180% / Fear Chance 10%
[Level 2]: Radius 5 cells / Attack Power 360% / Fear Chance 15%
[Level 3]: Radius 6 cells / Attack Power 540% / Fear Chance 20%
[Level 4]: Radius 6 cells / Attack Power 720% / Fear Chance 25%
[Level 5]: Radius 7 cells / Attack Power 900% / Fear Chance 30%
Ride In Lightening (Lightening Shot)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Throw Sprint Spheres 3
Type: Active / Damage
Description: Fires your spirit spheres, resulting in an explosion that damages all targets in a wide area. The skill level controls how many spheres you use, and the more spheres shot the higher the damage is. If the user's weapon is endowed with wind element, the skill does additional damage. The user's dex increases the damage done.
[Level 1]: 5 x 5 area / 1 Sphere Used
[Level 2]: 5 x 5 area / 3 Sphere Used
[Level 3]: 7 x 7 area / 5 Sphere Used
[Level 4]: 7 x 7 area / 7 Sphere Used
[Level 5]: 9 x 9 area / 15 Sphere Used
Gentle Touch - Quiet (Pressure Point: Silence)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Power Velocity 1
Type: Active / Damage / Debuff
Description: By using special pressure point techniques, you deal damage and silence one target. The caster's dex greatly increases the damage.
[Level 1]: 2 cells range / Attack Power 100%
[Level 2]: 2 cells range / Attack Power 200%
[Level 3]: 2 cells range / Attack Power 300%
[Level 4]: 2 cells range / Attack Power 400%
[Level 5]: 2 cells range / Attack Power 500%
Gentle Touch - Cure (Presure Point: Recovery)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Power Velocity 1
Type: Active / Recovery / Buff
Desc: Using special pressure point techniques, you recover a target's HP and cure them of various status ailments. Skill level increases the probability of success. The skill can recover Petrification / Frozen / Stun / Poison / Silence / Blind / Hallucination / Burning / Freezing / and Guillotine Cross poison statuses. Using this skill you can also recover yourself from Petrification / Frozen / Stun statuses. Consumes 1 spirit sphere.
Gentle Touch - Energy Gain (Pressure Point: Energy Gain)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Pressure Point: Silence 3
Type: Active / Self Buff
Description: Using pressure points on your own body you can improve your fighting spirit, allowing you to gain spirit spheres when you deal and receive physical damage. The skill consumes some HP when initially cast. This skill cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Change and Presure Point: Revitalize.
[Level 1]: HP 1% cost / 15% chance to get a spirit sphere / 60s Duration
[Level 2]: HP 2% cost / 20% chance to get a spirit sphere / 120s Duration
[Level 3]: HP 3% cost / 25% chance to get a spirit sphere / 180s Duration
[Level 4]: HP 4% cost / 30% chance to get a spirit sphere / 240s Duration
[Level 5]: HP 5% cost / 35% chance to get a spirit sphere / 300s Duration
Gentle Touch - Change (Pressure Point: Change)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Pressure Point: Silence 4
Type: Active / Self Buff
Desc: Using special presure points you take your own physical and magical defense and instead turns it into attack power and attack speed. Casting the skill takes 2 spirit spheres and drains some HP. Cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Energy Gain and Pressure Point: Revitalize.
[Level 1]: 1% HP Cost / 60s Duration
[Level 2]: 2% HP Cost / 120s Duration
[Level 3]: 3% HP Cost / 180s Duration
[Level 4]: 4% HP Cost / 240s Duration
[Level 5]: 5% HP Cost / 300s Duration
Gentle Touch - Revitalize (Pressure Point: Revitalize)
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Presure Point: Change 5
Type: Active / Self Buff
Desc: Using special presure points you increase your VIT, MaxHP, and improve your natural HP regeneration. Also increases your physical defense. While in this state your movement and attack speed and HP recovery increase as well. Consumes 2 spirit spheres. Cannot be used in combination with Pressure Point: Energy Gain and Presure Point: Change.
[Level 1]: MaxHP + 6% / Natural HP Recovery + 100%
[Level 2]: MaxHP + 12% / Natural HP Recovery + 140%
[Level 3]: MaxHP + 18% / Natural HP Recovery + 180%
[Level 4]: MaxHP + 24% / Natural HP Recovery + 220%
[Level 5]: MaxHP + 30% / Natural HP Recovery + 260%
Assimilate Power
Max Lv: 1
Prereq: Absorb Spirit Spheres 1, Power Velocity
Type: Active / Special
Description: Uses Absorb Spirit Spheres on all targets in a 5x5 area, recovering SP.
Power Velocity (All Spirit Injection)
Max Lv: 1
Prereq: Summon Spirit Spheres 5
Type: Active / Special
Description: Transfers all of your spirit spheres to a designated target.