24/03/2010 - Baby 3rd jobs

Hiro · 58 · 19152


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Common Patch

- Corregido un problema con la AGI en la skill de Sura "Presure Point-Change", que podía causar que un personaje con un valor negativo de AGI obtener automáticamente la ASPD máx.

- Corregido un error con la skill de Sura Raising Dragon, donde después de reloguear con el estado activo, automáticamente recuperaba (el tiempo?) de Fury y las Spirit Spheres.

- Skills de coro de Minstrel y Wanderer ya no pueden ser utilizadas cuando su pareja está muerto.

- Corregido un problema con la aparición de los iconos de algunos buffs de Wanderer/Minstrel. (Afecta Armonise, Windmill Rush, Echo Song de Minstrel, y Moonlit Serenade de Wanderer).

- Añadido iconos de estado para los siguientes items: Savage Roast, Wolf Blood Cocktail, Minorous Beef Stew, Siroma Iced Tea, Drosera Herb Salad, Petite Tail Noodle, Black Lump.

Main Servers

- Evento Fortune Egg 5 ha comenzado.
  Cuando el evento se esté ejecutando, la apertura de una "Activation Potion 5 box" producirá un Fortune Egg.
  El evento tendrá una duración de dos semanas.

- Añadida la actualización del bono de Refine de armadura. Altos upgrades dan más defensa ahora (una armadura +20, da +60 de defensa).

- Corregido un problema en el veneno de Guilltine Cross, en el que no se aplicaba correctamente cuando se consumia manualmente.

- Comidas de Stat+20 de Genetic ahora tienen una duración de sólo 5 minutos. Esto afecta a los siguientes items: Savage Roast, Wolf Blood Cocktail, Minorous Beef Stew, Siroma Iced Tea, Drosera Herb Salad, Petite Tail Noodle.

Sakray Test Server

- Actualización del sistema de búsqueda de party.
  *Ahora puedes buscar para funciones específicas (ataque, defensa, recuperación, soporte) en lugar de por Job.
  *Actualización de la ubicación del botón del party member recruitment.

- Corregido un problema con la quest Satan Morroc Resurrection.
- Corregido un error en el que  los Rangers tenían que llegar a un joblvl especifico para poder hacer la Hunter Skill Quest.

- La actualización de 3rd baby (adoptados) classes añadida.

    * Cambio de job
          o Persoajes adoptados nivel 99 pueden cambiar de 2nd a 3rd job utilizando el mismo método que los personajes regulares.
    * Restricciones de peronajes Baby
          o Personajes baby no pueden casarse ni renacer.
          o Puntos máximos base aplicables a cualquier stat será de 108.
          o Personajes Baby tienen 30% menos de Max HP y SP que personajes normales, y tienen reducido el éxito cuando se utilizan skills de síntesis/creación.
          o Personajes Baby son considerados como objetivos Demi-Human+Small (los jugadores normales son de tamaño medio).
          o Personajes Baby pueden compartir con su familia (share party) independientemente del nivel de los personajes.

- Actualización balance de skills de Sura.

    * Cambios en el árbol de skills
          o Requisitos de Crescent Elbow cambiados. De Sky Net Blow lvl5 a Sky Net Blow lvl1.
          o Requisitos de Fallen Empire cambiados. De Twin Dragon lvl5 a Twin Dragon lvl1.
    * Cursed Circle
          o Área de efecto reducida.
          o Cuando es casteada, una Spirit Sphere será consumida por cada objetivo capturadas en el efecto de la skill.
    * Rampage Blaster
          o Fórmula de daño ajustada.
    * Howling of Lion
          o El número de esferas que se consume es mayor.
    * Ride in Lightning
          o Fórmula de daño ajustada.

Unnoficial patch

- Nuevas skills de Sorcerer

Cita de: Doddler Traducción
Summon Fire Spirit 'Agni'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control 1 / Warmer 3
Desc: Summons a spirit of Thor, Agni. Summoning costs [3 Red Blood / 6 Red Blood / 1 Flame Heart] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Water Spirit 'Aqua'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control 1 / Diamond Dust 3
Desc: Summons a spirit of water, Aqua. Summoning costs [3 Crystal Blue / 6 Crystal Blue / 1 Mystic Frozen] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Wind Spirit 'Ventus'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control / Vartyr Spear 3
Desc: Summons Ventus, a spirit of wind. Summoning costs [3 Wind of Verdure / 6 Wind of Verdure / 1 Rough Wind] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Wind Spirit 'Tera'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control / Earth Grave 3
Desc: Summons Tera, spirit of Earth. Summoning costs [3 Green Live / 6 Green Live / 1 Great Nature] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Spirit Control
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Four Element Analysis 1
Desc: Switches your summoned spirit from Standby Mode to passive (buff) mode, defensive mode, and offensive mode. Using the skill again returns the spirit to standby mode. While in standby, the spirit will recover HP and SP faster.
[Level 1] : Change the Spirit to Passive Mode
[Level 2] : Change the Spirit to Defensive Mode
[Level 3] : Change the Spirit to Offensive Mode

Elemental Action
Max Lv : 1
Prereq: Spirit Control 3
Type: Active
Desc: Instantly switches your spirit to offensive mode.

Four Spirit Analysis
Prereq: Flame Launcher 1 / Frost Weapon 1 / Lightning Loader 1 / Seismic Weapon 1
Type: Active
Desc: Allows you to synthesize elemental stones into kinds needed for summoning elemental spirits.
[Level 1] : Splits elemental stones into elemental stone ore . (Using Flame Heart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen, Great Nature you can create Red Blood, Wind of Verdure, Crystal Blue, Yellow Live. The number created is random)
[Level 2] : Combines elemental stone ore into elemental stones. (10 Red Blood, Wind of Verdure, Crystal Blue or Yellow Live can be used to create Flame Heart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen, or Great Nature). Synthesis can fail, resulting in loss of items.

Spirit Sympathy
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Elemental Control 3
Type: Passive
Desc: Increases the HP, SP, and attack power of elemental spirits you summon, as well as decrease the SP cost of summoning those spirits.
[Level 1]: HP +500, SP + 50 / Attack + 25 / Summoning Cost -10%
[Level 2]: HP +1000, SP + 100 / Attack + 50 / Summoning Cost -15%
[Level 3]: HP +1500, SP + 150 / Attack + 75 / Summoning Cost -20%
[Level 4]: HP +2000, SP + 200 / Attack + 100 / Summoning Cost -25%
[Level 5]: HP +2500, SP + 250 / Attack + 125 / Summoning Cost -30%

Spirit Recovery
Max Lv: 1
Prereq: Spirit Sympathy 1
Type: Active / Recovery
Desc: Consumes your own HP and SP and uses it to recover the HP and SP of a spirit.

Fire Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Fire Spirit Agni 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 fire crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for fire monsters and players with fire attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element Earth will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range water element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Scarlet Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the fire spirit Agni's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Attack Power + 50. Weapon attribute becomes fire property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: Magic Attack Power + 50. When using fire attribute damage, damage + 25%.

Water Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Water Spirit Aqua 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 water crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for water monsters and players with water attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element fire will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range wind element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Indigo Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the water spirit Aqua's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Heal recovery + 10%. Weapon attribute becomes water property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: When casting water attribute magic, variable cast time -30%. When using water attribute magic, damage + 25%.

Wind Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Wind Spirit Ventus 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 wind crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for wind monsters and players with wind attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element water will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range earth element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Yellow Wish Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the wind spirit Ventus's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Gives a small increase in attack speed. Weapon attribute becomes wind property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: When casting wind attribute magic, skill delay time -50%. When using wind attribute magic, damage + 25%.

Earth Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Earth Spirit Tera 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 earth crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for earth monsters and players with earth attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element wind will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range fire element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Lime Green Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the earth spirit Tera's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Max HP + 500, DEF + 50. Weapon attribute becomes earth property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: Max SP + 50, MDEF + 50. When using earth attribute magic, damage + 25%.

- Items relacionados con los summons:

A fire element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Red Blood.
Weight: 0.5

A water element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Crystal Blue.
Weight: 0.5

A wind element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Wind of Vedure.
Weight: 0.5

An earth element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Yellow Live.
Weight: 0.5

- Dos "cartas nuevas" (?)



Patch en inglés
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Patch en coreano
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-KRO: http://www.ragnarok.co.kr/news/viewNotice.asp?seqNo=4793&pnum=1&oSeqNo=4784&typ=&sKey=Title&sTxt=
-Doddler: http://forums.irowiki.org/showthread.php?t=47082
« Última modificación: 25 de Marzo de 2010, 19:26 por Hiro »


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Lo único que si se entiende.. es que ya van a salir los baby 3rd class

*Y como dijeron en Iro wiki... como será el sprite de la baby wanderer... esto podría caer en algo illegal :D

Edit: doddler traduccion:

Common Patch

- Corrected an issue with AGI weighting on the Sura buff "Presure Point - Change", would cause a character with a negative agi value to automatically gain max attack speed.

- Corrected a bug with the Sura skill Raising Dragon, where upon re-logging with the status active you would automatically regain fury and all spirit spheres.

- Minstrel and Wanderer chorus skills can no longer be used when their partner is dead.

- Corrected an issue with the buff icon appearance of some minstrel/wanderer buffs. (Affects Minstrel's Harmonise, Windmill Rush, Echo Song, and Wanderer's Moonlit Serenade).

- Added status icons for the following items: Savage Roast, Wolf Blood Cocktail, Minorous Beef Stew, Siroma Iced Tea, Drosera Herb Salad, Petite Tail Noodle, Black Lump.

Main Servers

- Fortune Egg 5 event has started.
While the event is running, opening an 'Activation Potion 5 box' will also yield a Fortune Egg.
The fortune egg 5 event will last two weeks.

- Added the updated armor refine bonus. Highly upgraded gears will now yield higher upgrade values (at +20 refine, the armor will give +60 defense).

- Corrected an issue where guillotine cross poison would not be applied when manually consuming the item.

- Genetic +20 stat foods now last for 5 minutes only. This affects the following items: Savage Roast, Wolf Blood Cocktail, Minorous Beef Stew, Siroma Iced Tea, Drosera Herb Salad, Petite Tail Noodle.

Sakray Test Server

- Updated the party lookup system.
* You can now search for specific roles (Attack, Defense, Recovery, Support) rather than by job.
* Updated the placement of the party member recruitment button.

- Corrected an issue with the Satan Morroc resurrection quest.
- Corrected a bug where Rangers had to reach a specific job level in order to learn the Hunter Quest skill.

- The 3rd job update for baby (adopted) characters is added.
Job Change
Level 99 baby characters can change from 2nd job to 3rd job using the same method are regular characters.
Baby Character Restrictions
Baby characters cannot marry or cannot transcend.
Maximum base points applied in any one stat is limited to 108.
Baby characters have 30% less max HP and max SP than normal characters, and have reduced success when using item synthesis/creation skills.
Baby characters count as demi-human + small size targets (normal players are medium size).
Baby characters can share with their family in a 3 way share regardless of character level.

- Updated Sura skill balance.
Skill Tree Changes

Crescent Elbow prereqs changed from Sky Net Blow 5 to Sky Net Blow 1.

Fallen Empire prereqs changed from Twin Dragon 5 to Twin Dragon 1.

Cursed Circle
Area of effect is reduced.
When cast, a spirit sphere is consumed for each target caught in the skill effect.

Rampage Blaster
Damage formula is adjusted.

Howling of Lion
The number of spheres consumed is increased.

Ride In Lightning
Damage formula is adjusted.

Nice nerf al Cursed circle XD
« Última modificación: 23 de Marzo de 2010, 18:17 por Crossheart »


  • Orc Warrior
    • Mensajes: 20
  • Stalker Lover
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mmmmmmm que interesante.........
 :congelado: xD weno es lago :P  :avergonzado:
espero que el proximo uptade sea de lo quiero :O xD


  • Khalitzburg
    • Mensajes: 74
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Nose uds pero para mi son innecesarias este tipo de updates Baby 3rd jobs por dios D: no ayudaran en nada, para eso tener un buen pj con un tamaño adecuado xD para mi los baby siempre fueron llaveritos de relleno del ro.. espero para la proxima diga mas de las class S...

salu2! :aburrido:


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Nose uds pero para mi son innecesarias este tipo de updates Baby 3rd jobs por dios D: no ayudaran en nada, para eso tener un buen pj con un tamaño adecuado xD para mi los baby siempre fueron llaveritos de relleno del ro.. espero para la proxima diga mas de las class S...

salu2! :aburrido:

Dile eso a los que usan los baby para evitar perder exp.....


  • Orc Warrior
    • Mensajes: 20
  • Stalker Lover
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solo para defender a loa babys :D
la ventaja de un baby es q lo levas rapidicimo
no pierdes exp :O muy uti lapra aquellos champ monk de azura y muere para matar MVP :O o para cualqueir jugador que esta leveando en sus comienzos. ademas mamita y papito si son linkers pueden tirarte kaitesito y otras cosas random sin necesidad de link y ps yo uso baby rogue para farmear :O xD


  • Moonlight
    • Mensajes: 175
  • Xd..... X3
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se agregaron descripciones y nuevas skills para el Sorcerer


muchas skills xd

Les dejo Traduccion de Google pq son Muchas D:!!! (esperemos a doddler) xD

Agni Fire Elementals summoned
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 warmers
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Agde fire your spirit is summoned. Summoned at the level of [Red Blood 3 / 6 Red Blood / Heart Frame 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Aqua Summon Water Elementals
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 Diamond Dust
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Aqua Water Elementals is summoned. Summoned at the level of [3 Crystal Blue / Crystal Blue 6 / Mystic Frozen 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Bentuseu summon spirits of the wind
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / volleyball Tyr Spear 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Wind will summon the spirit of bentuseu. Summoned at the level of [Wind Of beodyueo 3 / Wind Of beodyueo 6 / Rough Wind 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Tara Elementals summoned the earth
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 1 / 3 ^ 000000 Ghraib Earth
Series: ^ 777777 active / recall ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Tara earth spirits are summoned. Summoned at the level of [Green Live 3 / Green Live 6 / Great Nature 1] one should consume as a catalyst. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Duration 600 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 5 ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Duration 900 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 8 ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 duration of 1200 seconds, 10 SP consumed per 11 ^ 000000
Sprite Control
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: 4 Elemental analysis: 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 Weight (standby) mode, the command down to the passive state ordinance (buff), defensive (defensive), offensive (attack) mode is available. Once again, the same command, they weight (standby) mode is. Standby mode, the HP and SP of the ordinance to be recovering slowly. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 spirit passive mode
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 ^ spirit defensive mode 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 ^ spirit of the offensive mode 000000
Elemental Action
MAX Lv: 1
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 summon spirit of being offensive (attack) mode command lets one immediately activated. ^ 000000
4 element analysis
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: frame launcher 1 / Frost Weapon 1 / Lightning Loader 1 / sayijeumik Weapon 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 Active
Description: ^ 777777 to summon the spirits are broken down on stone seats for chokmaein property or property as opposed to rough stone are combined. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 property and property in the rough stone parts (Frame, Hart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen Great Nature 1 window, put the dog converted the Red Blood, Wind Of beodyueo, Crystal Blue, Live Green is decomposed into several . disassemble the random number that is determined. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 properties combined with rough stone to the property (Red Blood, Wind Of beodyueo, Crystal Blue, Green Live 10, one conversion put the window frame, heartbeat, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen Great Nature 1 one gets ) sokseongseok combination could not get anything to fail. ^ 000000
Sympathetic spirit
MAX Lv: 5
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Sprite Control 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 ^ 000000 passive
Description: ^ 777777 Elementals summoned by a spirit of sympathy with HP, SP, and summoned the city SP to increase damage and reduce consumption. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 HP 500, SP 50 Increase / increase damage 25 / SP 10% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 HP 1000, SP 100 increased / damage increased 50 / SP 15% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 HP 1500, SP 150 increased / damage increased 75 / SP 20% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 4]: ^ 777777 HP 2000, SP 200 increased, 100 increased damage / SP 25% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
[Level 5]: ^ 777777 HP 2500, SP 250 increased, 125 increased damage / SP 30% reduction when summoned ^ 000000
Spirit healing
MAX Lv: 1
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Decree sympathy 1 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / recovery ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 caster your HP, SP and some consumption of spirits by HP, SP shall recover. ^ 000000
Fire Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: Fire Elementals summoned Agni 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 Floor 3 x 3 in the range of fire and drew a sentence within the range of the target and hwasokseong hwasokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. In contrast, body armor equipped with persistence or continuity target for 5 per monster is reduced to 1% of HP. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against susokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [Scarlet Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Agde your spirit of fire damage increased by 20%. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 damage increased by 50. Hwasokseongeuro change weapon properties. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 Increases spell damage by 50. Using some of the magic hwasokseong a 25% increase in damage. ^ 000000
Water Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition conditions: Water Elementals Summon Aqua 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Contents: 3 x 3 ^ 777777 ground water in the range of sentences drawn within the range of the target and susokseong susokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. Equipped with anti-armor hwasokseong hwasokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against pungsokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [Indigo Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Aqua water spirits increased by 20% of the damage. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 Hill, a 10% increase in recovery work. This procedure changes the properties to the castle weapons. Physical damage 10% increase. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 susokseong some magical change in the 30% reduction in casting. Using some of the magic susokseong a 25% increase in damage. ^ 000000
Wind Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition conditions: the wind spirits summoned bentuseu 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 winds in the range of 3 x 3 floor, draw a sentence within the range of the target and pungsokseong pungsokseong armor equipped monster is 5 per 1% HP recovered. Equipped with anti-armor susokseong susokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective anti-persistence property damage for attacks will increase 1.5 times. Skills at each level using the [yellow Wish point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 bentuseu spirit of the wind damage increased by 20%. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 slightly increased attack speed. The wind changed to the castle weapon property. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 pungsokseong some delay, a 50% reduction in the magic skill. Pungsokseong part of a 25% increase in spell damage. ^ 000000
Earth Insignia Catania
MAX Lv: 3
^ 777777 acquisition criteria: land of Tara Elementals summoned 3 ^ 000000
Series: ^ 777777 active / floor magic ^ 000000
Description: ^ 777777 in the range 3 x 3 floor, draw a sentence of land within the range of armor equipped with persistence and continuity of the target monster to recover 5 per 1% HP. Equipped with anti-armor pungsokseong pungsokseong monsters who target or 5 per 1% of HP is reduced. In addition, all targets within a range of effective attacks against hwasokseong for property damage will increase 1.5 times. Using skills at each level [Lime Green Point 1 / 2 / 3] one should consume. ^ 000000
[Level 1]: ^ 777777 Tara earth spirits increased by 20% of the damage. Every 3 seconds HP, SP is 2 times the amount of recovery. ^ 000000
[Level 2]: ^ 777777 MHP 500, DEF 50 increases. Transformed into weapons of property persistence. Physical damage increased by 10%. ^ 000000
[Level 3]: ^ 777777 MSP 50, MDEF 50 increases. Some persistence, a 25% increase in spell damage. ^ 000000


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Pues.. doddler aun no ha encontrando las skills para traducir.. pero ha encontrado a la toda poderosa Valkyria!!

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  • Moonlight
    • Mensajes: 175
  • Xd..... X3
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si tambien las vi, estan re Powas! :D!!! con esa imagen me dan mas ganas de tener valky randrigs card xD

Posdta: que pasaria con SO_ENDMARK??? la otra skill que no aparece en las descripciones. a lo mejor la agregan despues xd
« Última modificación: 24 de Marzo de 2010, 03:52 por Conrad »


  • Moderador Global
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Ps que interesante...

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Para la otra shit que anda ahi, la google traducción fAil, por tanto, me espero a uqe doddler traduzca xD
« Última modificación: 24 de Marzo de 2010, 04:36 por Berto »


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Items relacionados con los summons:

A fire element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Red Blood.
Weight: 0.5

A water element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Crystal Blue.
Weight: 0.5

A wind element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Wind of Vedure.
Weight: 0.5

An earth element stone, crafted with a thin fragment of a Yellow Live.
Weight: 0.5

Vidar Wolfheim

  • Atros
    • Mensajes: 782
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esto es lo que entendi de google fail traductions™

control = cambiar modo
action = ponerle aggro(botmunculo)
insignia = buff activo
cure = cura
analisis = convertir red blood en flame heart y vice versa
sympaty= aumenta atk vida y sp del summon y reduce la cantidad de sp al invocar tu bicho parece buf pasivo
lo demas es ovio xD

los summons se ven muy interesantes solo queda esperar de 1 a 3 semanas minimo
con esto el sorc tiene la mayor cantidad de skills X_X... o me equivoco?


  • Moderador Global
    • Mensajes: 2398
  • 女の子やりません¬¬
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Esto me alegró el día:

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Cita de: Doddler Traducción
Summon Fire Spirit 'Agni'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control 1 / Warmer 3
Desc: Summons a spirit of Thor, Agni. Summoning costs [3 Red Blood / 6 Red Blood / 1 Flame Heart] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Water Spirit 'Aqua'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control 1 / Diamond Dust 3
Desc: Summons a spirit of water, Aqua. Summoning costs [3 Crystal Blue / 6 Crystal Blue / 1 Mystic Frozen] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Wind Spirit 'Ventus'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control / Vartyr Spear 3
Desc: Summons Ventus, a spirit of wind. Summoning costs [3 Wind of Verdure / 6 Wind of Verdure / 1 Rough Wind] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Summon Wind Spirit 'Tera'
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Spirit Control / Earth Grave 3
Desc: Summons Tera, spirit of Earth. Summoning costs [3 Green Live / 6 Green Live / 1 Great Nature] depending on skill level.
[Level 1] : Duration 600s / Every 10s drains 5 SP.
[Level 2] : Duration 900s / Every 10s drains 8 SP.
[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.

Spirit Control
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Four Element Analysis 1
Desc: Switches your summoned spirit from Standby Mode to passive (buff) mode, defensive mode, and offensive mode. Using the skill again returns the spirit to standby mode. While in standby, the spirit will recover HP and SP faster.
[Level 1] : Change the Spirit to Passive Mode
[Level 2] : Change the Spirit to Defensive Mode
[Level 3] : Change the Spirit to Offensive Mode

Elemental Action
Max Lv : 1
Prereq: Spirit Control 3
Type: Active
Desc: Instantly switches your spirit to offensive mode.

Four Spirit Analysis
Prereq: Flame Launcher 1 / Frost Weapon 1 / Lightning Loader 1 / Seismic Weapon 1
Type: Active
Desc: Allows you to synthesize elemental stones into kinds needed for summoning elemental spirits.
[Level 1] : Splits elemental stones into elemental stone ore . (Using Flame Heart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen, Great Nature you can create Red Blood, Wind of Verdure, Crystal Blue, Yellow Live. The number created is random)
[Level 2] : Combines elemental stone ore into elemental stones. (10 Red Blood, Wind of Verdure, Crystal Blue or Yellow Live can be used to create Flame Heart, Rough Wind, Mystic Frozen, or Great Nature). Synthesis can fail, resulting in loss of items.

Spirit Sympathy
Max Lv: 5
Prereq: Elemental Control 3
Type: Passive
Desc: Increases the HP, SP, and attack power of elemental spirits you summon, as well as decrease the SP cost of summoning those spirits.
[Level 1]: HP +500, SP + 50 / Attack + 25 / Summoning Cost -10%
[Level 2]: HP +1000, SP + 100 / Attack + 50 / Summoning Cost -15%
[Level 3]: HP +1500, SP + 150 / Attack + 75 / Summoning Cost -20%
[Level 4]: HP +2000, SP + 200 / Attack + 100 / Summoning Cost -25%
[Level 5]: HP +2500, SP + 250 / Attack + 125 / Summoning Cost -30%

Spirit Recovery
Max Lv: 1
Prereq: Spirit Sympathy 1
Type: Active / Recovery
Desc: Consumes your own HP and SP and uses it to recover the HP and SP of a spirit.

Fire Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Fire Spirit Agni 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 fire crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for fire monsters and players with fire attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element Earth will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range water element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Scarlet Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the fire spirit Agni's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Attack Power + 50. Weapon attribute becomes fire property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: Magic Attack Power + 50. When using fire attribute damage, damage + 25%.

Water Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Water Spirit Aqua 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 water crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for water monsters and players with water attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element fire will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range wind element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Indigo Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the water spirit Aqua's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Heal recovery + 10%. Weapon attribute becomes water property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: When casting water attribute magic, variable cast time -30%. When using water attribute magic, damage + 25%.

Wind Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Wind Spirit Ventus 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 wind crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for wind monsters and players with wind attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element water will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range earth element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Yellow Wish Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the wind spirit Ventus's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Gives a small increase in attack speed. Weapon attribute becomes water property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: When casting wind attribute magic, skill delay time -50%. When using wind attribute magic, damage + 25%.

Earth Insignia
Max Lv: 3
Prereq: Summon Earth Spirit Tera 3
Type: Active / Ground Magic
Desc: Creates a 3x3 earth crest on the ground, which recovers 1% HP every 5 seconds for earth monsters and players with earth attribute armor. Targets of the opposite element wind will lose 1% HP every 5 seconds. When in range fire element attacks deal 1.5 times damage. The skill consumes [1/2/3 Lime Green Point] depending on the skill level.
[Level 1]: Increases the earth spirit Tera's attack power by 20%. HP and SP recovered every 3 seconds is doubled.
[Level 2]: Max HP + 500, DEF + 50. Weapon attribute becomes earth property. Physical attack power + 10%.
[Level 3]: Max SP + 50, MDEF + 50. When using earth attribute magic, damage + 25%.

Doddler dijo que puede q su traducción este mal...

Leyendo las skills...

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« Última modificación: 24 de Marzo de 2010, 07:52 por Crossheart »


  • Succubus
    • Mensajes: 95
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[Level 3] : Duration 1200s / Every 10s drains 11 SP.
Entonces será como invocar un Elemental de Agua en WoW o Warcraft III... eso si, dura 20 minutos, ayudará bastante :3

Súbelo de nivel :D
Entra al servidor Pharagon RO, el mejor servidor de Ragnarok Online :D


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  • Dragonology bitches~!!
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QUE BURRADA de skills de sorcerer no? O_o al final han pasado a ser un montón, joder, al final van a faltar puntos.

Lo que ya me ha jodió el invento es que requieran Diamond Dust y demás mierdas, además de que han sacado "neo-alfombras" cuando ya estaban las viejas... A Gravity no le gusta darle utilidad a las skills antiguas. ._. Skills para crear ores? Gracias, Gravity, los Mechanics ya TAMPOCO tienen que hacer eso.

Lo que quiere decir que POR COJONES va a haber que escoger. Nada más que con los prerrequisitos para los cuatro summons te quedas sólo con 9 puntos extra... Supongo que al final me voy a coger a Ventus y a Agni, o a Ventus sólo.

PD: Obviamente, primero haremos el k-pullo con una build de summons completa.

« Última modificación: 24 de Marzo de 2010, 12:26 por Darki »